Mixed Emotions

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She instantly felt his perfectly tonned biceps press against the middle section of her body. She hated that she could not escape the sensation easily because she loved it too much and he wouldn't let her go.

"What in the world do you think your doing?" Regina demands a answer with anger masked onto her face, as she forcefully removes herself from his grip.

"You forgot your coat on your seat. I noticed it when you walked out, I decided you'd probably want it but as i walked out you were on the phone with.........im assuming Henry, and i didn't want to disturb you."  Robin mentioned hesitantly. Feeling the anger erupt inside of her, Regina snatched her coat out of Robins hand, and continued to cross the road walking off. However, this did not stop the now guilty Robin of Locksley from following her majesty.

"Regina, Is everything okay?" He asked noticing the anger within her body.

"You tell me thief! You sure got some nerve asking such a question like that." She growled at him.

"I don't understand. I see your upset, and im sensing it has something to do with Marian and myself but Regina, i explained yesterday to you my reasons and hoped that you would understand where im coming from." Speaking as though his decisions did not cause such troubles.

Her love for him suddenly fell short of its usual standards. "Upset? With the noble Robin of Locksley?  No, no, no, no! I prefer pissed, angry, fustrated, annoyed, FURIOUS, with the thief and outlaw Mr Robin *fucken* Hood!" 

"Im -" and suddendly Robins speech was cut off by the now infuriated queen, girl-friend of the outlaw.

"I've heard enough out of you outlaw." With saying that Regina turned around ignoring what Robin had in response to her word, and marched off home.

"Look Regina you can walk away from me, not talk to me, dammit punish me for all I care but understand this, no matter what you do to ignore me, I will never stop loving you."  Robin pleadingly shouted at Regina thinking he could convince her into feeling the same way. Regina did not reply but continued on her way.

"Regina, I love you and I know you love me too. I've seen it in you before and I continue to see it now, no matter how upset you may be. Regina in my eyes, love shines brighter than evil both inside of you and out." Robin's voice cracked as he spoke. Regina was sure that she had never heard the word love being mentioned that many times in less than a few sentences. By this time tears were streaming down the sides of her face, though, she did not know whether it was because the man she loved broke her heart, or whether it was because he was trying to paste it back together with such strong words. Words that described his undisirable love for the once evil queen.

"You have a family outlaw, and i believe you love them more than myself. So please make the most of spending time with your family, instead of worrying about poor old Regina Mills; draining herself out over you." Regina coughs up in a bitchy mood, slapped with sassyness. With that she managed to hold back the rest of her tears that were trying to escape her dark brown shimmery eyes. But that didn't stop Robin from noticing that she had been crying and was still crying inside.

With the pair now stairing directly into each others eyes, Robin stepped forward close enough to kiss the woman. He thought quick wrapping his arms around her and tears now escaping his own eyes, whilst embracing her in his touch, he whispered into her ear, "I'm sorry. I am so sorry Regina. Please forgive me......I love you." With that being said, he gave Regina access into leaning into him and shedding a few tears.

Authors Note: To everyone who has reached this far in reading my fanfic, thank you so much for taking the time to share interest in my story. I haven't updated in a couple of days, due to poor internet connection but long story short, I'll try publishing a new chapter everyday. However, I cannot promise anything just yet. The holidays are officially over and I start back at school today so it is likely that i will have alot on my hands, seeing as it is EXAM term. Though, because this is my first fanfic and everything seems to be going well, I don't wanna dissapoint any of use in taking my time to update my story. Please bare with me though as i do have a life too. Thanks again_☺

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