Slipping Through My Fingers

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A/N: Hey to all the readers reading this next chapter to my fanfic. I am so sorry it has taken this long, a month and a bit to be exact. Any who, i dont want to keep you from continuing on with the story for too long. However, i just want to say a huge thank you for hanging in there and baring with me while i've been so busy with my exams. I still have two more to go, then its off on holiday for me and hopefully more new chapters for you guys. I've been watching the new OUAT eps and really love whats going on atm. I really need someone to fangirl about it with though, because i dont think i can hold in my emotional feelings any longer. So please PM me so we can have a fangirling seasion if you want hehe. Okay, enough of me ranting. Enjoy the latest chapter and please vote and comment your opinions. Thanks☺

She wanted him to kiss her so bad but when he hugged her instead, she felt like her heart was being crushed all over again. This tore her apart, but what was worse was that he was now craddling her in his arms, and she had to admit she loved it. The feeling of him pushed up against her drove Regina crazy. The pair stood still on maine street with the leaves dancing in the wind around them, as time raced by without the couple noticing. Finally unleashing themselves from one another, Robin pulled back Regina's hair from out of her face and slipped it behind her ear. In response Regina raised her head looking into her lovers eyes. With the pain of her hangover now worn off, another stabbed through he tainted heart. Marian had arrived from the underworld, and Regina was now Robin Hood's second choice, his backup plan, the person he ran too if ever his marriage ended for real this time. She was his mistress.

Even though she had commited alot of crimes before, she could not bare to go through that faze again. She killed alot of inocent people all for vegence against her step-daughter. That was the person she used to be, the evil queen. However, Regina had more hopeful plans. Plans which reasons for it was half because of Henry and the other was now because of Robin.

She stood arms length away from the man she had fallen in love over a short period of time confussed. Questioning herself about what she was doing. She loved Robin and Roland who waa the sweetest kid she'd ever met in her life. Even though she adored the father and son, she had an image of Marian repeating in her brain. A way of informing her that she is making a huge mistake. Snapped out of her day dream, Regina hears a husky worried voice question her.

"Regina, whats the matter?" Robin askes, after seeing the look of confussion masked on Regina's face.

"Robin this can't happen." She responds as she pushes down on his hands that were placed at her hips. His arms now fell innocently on either sides of him.

"I know. I agree. But, Regina nothings happening. We're just standing here." He answers innocently with a smirk slapped across his faced. She stares at him unimpressed, before stating,

"Robin its not funny. This seriously can't happen. You have.....your married. Your married, and need i say your wife is sat in that dinner." Looking at granny's down the block, Robin's eyes met her view. His smirk suddenly escaped from off his face, as he shoved it down in shame now staring at the concealed footpath.

Regina, did the same thing imitating his movements. Then she felt his warm delicate hands push up on her chin, only to get a view of the most dashing man she's ever seen. His beautiful blue eyes glicened, while his brown scruffy hair swayed slighty above his head. The scent of forest slowly lingered through her nose and now his husky british voice was playing through her ears like a Frank Sinatra piece.

"I know. And by the look drapped upon your face i can see the sadness that presents itself. Regina im sorry that things had to turn out like this, and i dont mean to hurt you. So please if this is the last time, and i hope it isn't that we are ever this close to each other, allow me to walk you home at least. For all i want to do is embrace the moment. PLEASE!"  Robin stood inches away from her, begging and hopping that she'd come to her senses and accept this last offer that could only make matters worse, for her.

Regina knew that this could end up going two ways. One, with him walking her home and leaving it at that. And two, with him walking her home and then taking her to bed with him. Either way, she was willing to take that risk no matter what the circumstances. Like he said, "all i want to do is embrace the moment" and thats exactly what she wanted too. If that meant pleasing her soulmate for possibly the last time, then thats what she'll do. With that, Regina shook her head staring into Robins eyes, before answering, "Ok. But, only because this may be —"

"I know, you dont have to say it." Robin replied understanding that she was about to repeat what he just said. But his sadness suddenly wore off as Regina's face lightened up with a cute smile. The pair walked off down maine street, side by side quietly embracing possibly their last moment together.

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