Chapter 1. Welcome to my life.

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Here you have the first chapter of our new fan fic! Hope you enjoy it! :)

Love xxxx


'Welcome to my life.'

From: Danny

Come to Tom's, you still have a birthday present to open :)

I smiled. My birthday was last week, but he forgot to buy me a present, as always. Danny Jones was my best friend, apart from being a member of McFly. We met at a coffee shop in Bolton; I was still living there and he went to see his family. He was my idol, a member of my favourite band. We talked for a while and exchanged our numbers. We kept on texting and calling for a year and a half. Then I moved to London and we starting seeing each other more often than we used to. He introduced me to his girlfriend and the rest of the McFly guys. I really got on with all of them, from day one until today. I got dressed as fast as I could and headed off to Tom's. I guessed they'd be working in new songs, as they used to do. I rang the doorbell and Giovanna opened the door. She hugged me and told me that the boys were upstairs, while she was preparing some snacks. I went upstairs and opened the door. I saw Dougie, who came and hugged me as soon as I entered the room.

"Hey my love!" he shouted

I tried to let go off him, but he was obviously stronger than I was.

"Yes, Dougie, I know you love me so much, but let me go. Now."

He did as I'd told him and I went to say hi to Tom and Danny.

"Where's Harry?" I said, asking for Harry Judd.

"He's in the toilet." someone said.

I turned around and saw four boys standing there. Their faces rang a bell to me, but I didn't know who they were.

"Maddie, these are the lads of One Direction." Danny told me.

Of course they rang a bell! I was working in a music shop, and lots of girls came constantly asking about their merchandising. Truth is I had only listened to one of their songs, and it wasn't that bad; however, I didn't like them. Maybe just because everybody was crazy about them and I wasn't, who knows, it's not like I care anyway. The boys stood up and introduced themselves. Liam, Louis, Zayn and finally, the blond one, Niall.

"Excuse me, I have to go to the toilet." I said.

I left the room and found the bathroom door closed. I knocked a couple times.

"C'mon Harry! What are you doing there? Get out! I've been here for 10 minutes and you were already in there! I need to pee!"

After a few minutes begging him and knocking on the door, he finally opened it. But I didn't see who I expected to, it was someone else. This one also rang a bell to me, would he be in One Direction too? He smiled at me, and I noticed I was blushing.

"Erm, I'm sorry... They told me Harry was in there and I expected to see him."

"I am Harry." he said, laughing.

"Oh you're Harry too... I just expected to see another Harry, you know, my friend, Harry Judd, McFly's drummer..."

"Yes, I got it, but I'm another Harry, Harry Styles." he said, shaking my hand.

"I'm Maddie. And I'd like to talk with you for a while, but I really do need to go in there." I said, pointing at the toilet.

He laughed and left. I came into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror, I was still blushing. It'd been a really embarrasing situation, too embarrasing, I'd say. When I was done, I went back to the room where they were.

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