Chapter 3

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-July 3, 2019-

"Sophiea. Thanos' army is the largest in the universe. And he's coming here. We can't even begin to fight him." Bruce followed Sopheia out of the room, fretting. The rest of the team followed them, seeing a different side to the teenager. A side they had never seen before.

"You think I don't know that? You think I didn't see that ship? I was there too. I have to live with the aftermath of what happened, even more than you do. Don't pretend for one second Thanos took more from you than he did from me. He took my dad."

Vision piped up. "They can track the stone they know where we are. They are going to come back. We know that they are. We have to think of some way to stop them."

"He's not going to stop, until," Bruce looked up at Wanda, remorse flooding his expression. "He's not going to stop until he gets Vision's stone."

Natasha grabbed her husband's hand. "Then we'll protect it."

Vision spoke up. "No, we have to destroy it. I've been giving a good deal of thought to this entity in my head, about its nature. But also, its composition. I think if it were exposed to a sufficiently powerful energy source, something, very similar to its own signature, perhaps," He approached his love. "Its molecular integrity could fail."

"And you with it. We're not having this conversation."

Sophiea spoke up, addressing no one in particular. "Eliminating the stone is the only way we can be certain Thanos won't get it."

"That's too high a price." Everyone could tell Wanda was on the brink of tears.

Vision approached her, cupping her face in his hands. "Only you have the power to pay it." She pulled away, distressed. "Thanos threatens half the universe. What's one life compared to millions?"

Sophiea could see Nat staring at her, almost as if he wished to say something, but she turned away from him.

She walked out of the room not wanting to be with the fighting for one second longer than needed.

She tugged on the thin gold chain that hung around her neck and studied the gold rings that hung from it. Her mother's had been collected in a dream and kept with her through the hardships of the past 2 years, her father's ring had been pressed into her hand as she was sent off in an escape pod less than a week ago.

"How do you expect me to do this? Mom, dad. I need some advice. Tell me what I should do." She closed her eyes, ready to be whisked away to a dream where they would tell her what to do, but nothing came. "Ok. I get it. Thanks for the help."

She raked a hand through her tangled hair and took a deep breath, attempting to regain a control of her emotions.

"So, Queen of Asgard. Quite an impressive title."

"Please, Nathanial, go away."

"I meant to come home to you I really did. You were the only thing that kept me going. I was held captive for months before I escaped. Thinking of you was the reason I stayed sane. Thinking of our future let me want a future. Please. Let me be the one you love again."

"I can't right now." Sophiea looked up from her place on the floor to see the man she fell in love with standing over her, blond hair disheveled and piercing blue eyes penetrating all the walls she spent years building. "I'm sorry. But I have a people to avenge and a villain to kill. I can't," she took a deep breath. "I can't do this again."

"Sophiea." She stood up and started to walk down the hall. "Sophiea, come back." He caught up with her and took her hand. "At least let me point you in the direction of the nearest shower. You look like you need one."

"Thank you."


As Sophiea stepped out of the steam filled room, she saw her suit folded next to the sink, a small note was stuck on top.

'forgive me?' She couldn't help but smile at the kind gesture.

Moments later she walked out the door, ready to go into battle. Her wet hair was tied back with a ribbon, her uneven cape flowing behind her.

The team looked up with wide eyes as we entered the meeting room. "I'm ready to fight. Where are we headed?"

"Wakanda." Steve was the one to respond. "Come on everyone. The sooner we get the stone out of Vision the sooner we will all be safe."

The filed into the jet, and Sophiea's mind began to race again.

Thoughts of the ship.

Her father pleading with her to leave.

Her uncle standing stoic before his people.

The voice of her father begging her to leave.

Whispering that he loved her.

She let out a shaky breath. Nathanial noticed. He slid over next to her. "I'm sorry." She didn't say anything, so he continued. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. I'm sorry you had to go through everything alone. I'm just sorry."

"Not in the mood Nathanial." She muttered. "Space dude. I need space."

He nodded and went back to his spot next to his sister. The young girl asked him a question under her breath, and he shook his head.

"When will we be there?" Sam asked.

"Another hour or two. Be patient man."

"I am patient Cap. I just don't want to be in the jet any longer."

"Sam of all the people I know, you are the least patient. Tasha comes a close second, but you are number one on that list buddy."

"Steve. I am not impatient." Natasha snapped. "I am edgy, scary, kick butt, or whatever you want to call me, but I am not impatient."

The bickering continued; the two years had brought the friends together. Sophiea looked around the jet.

Eve and Nathanial were huddled together. Eve was reading and Nat was looking at Sophiea.

Rhody was sitting watching the fighting with a look of mild amusement. His leg braces lit up occasionally and he would tap buttons on the side to make it stop.

Natasha and Bruce sat next to their children, holding onto each other. Tasha's head was rested on his shoulder and he was just holding her tight.

Sam and Steve were driving the ship, with the occasional side remark to the rest of the crew.

She closed her eyes and rested her head against the cold metal of the jet. By the time she opened her eyes again. They were setting down on a landing pad in a foreign land. 

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