Chapter 5

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-July 4, 2019-

An eerie wind floated through the clearing. Nathanial clutched Sophiea's hand.

"I have this feeling, some of us aren't going to make it out of here alive." He looked at his love. "Please, if I die, I just want to know that I've forgiven. You don't have to love me- just forgive me for leaving."

"We will be fine. We'll both make it out of here. Alive."

"But if we don't-"

She grabbed his face in her hands and gently kissed him. "I forgive you Nathanial."

Black clouds appear, and a figure stepped out. "That's him guys." Bruce was the first one to speak; and the first one to act. He ran at Thanos, but was merely swatted away, into the rock.

Steve, T'challa, and Sam were thrown to the side without getting to lay a hand on the Mad Titan.

"Wanda. It's time." Vision's voice draws the attention of Sophiea, Nathanial, and Wanda.

"No." She starts to shake her head.

"They can't stop him, Wanda, but we can. Look at me. You have the power to destroy the stone." He took her hand.


"You must do it. Wanda, please. We. Are. Out of time."

"I can't."

"Yes, you can. You can. If he gets the stone, half the universe dies."

"It's not fair."

"It shouldn't be you, but it is. It's all right. You could never hurt me. I just- feel you" He touched her hand to his stone and nodded. Light began to circle the couple.

Nathanial grabbed Sophiea's hand. "We have to delay Thanos as long as possible. He cannot get that last stone."

"Ok." They took off running in opposite directions.

Red light filled the clearing.

"You got this, Sophiea." She whispered to herself.

She charged the titan. As she sprinted towards Thanos, she could see her love being pushed back. A plan formed in her head.

A stupid plan.

But a plan, nonetheless.

She grabbed at the gauntlet, distracting Thanos from Nat. She clawed at the stones, until one gave with her force.

The orange one.

Power surged through her body. Pain overwhelmed her senses. She half laughed. "You might need this." She took off running through the forests of Wakanda.

"Sophiea?" She turned and found her father, Loki, standing there, confused.

"Dad." She gripped the stone tighter between her hands; nearly screaming at the painful sensation.

"Why am I here, Sophiea?"

She let out a sob. "Because I want you back. I want you to come home dad. I want to have a normal life."

He took her hands in his. "Why have a normal life when you were made for so much more? You are my daughter and you are worth so much more than normal."

They heard something tearing through the forest.

"Please, Sophiea. Stay safe. I don't want to see you in Valhalla for a very long time."

"I promise dad."

"I love you my Sophiea." He vanished and Sophiea ducked behind a tree.

A new voice called out. "Come out little one. I won't hurt you." Sophiea held the stone tight to her chest, pushing away the pain. "Little one you are so strong, but I know that it must hurt. Just give me the stone."

A yellow blast shook the trees. "GIVE IT TO ME NOW." He growled. "I won't ask again."

Sophiea heard him start to walk away and took the opportunity to run. Run back to the team.

She could hear him following close behind her. The end was in sight. Her uncle was there, holding his ax, ready to attack. Nathanial was there, looking worried sick.

She was 30 feet. 20. 10. She rushed to his embrace, "I have the stone. I have it!"

Suddenly she was picked up by the neck. She kicked her feet, trying to find solid ground, it was to no avail.

"Brave little warrior. Just like her father. It would be a shame if she were to meet the same fate as him." He began to squeeze her neck. She struggled for air.

Nathanial and Thor surged forward.

"I wouldn't." Thanos threatened. "Not if you value the life of your daughter- your lover."

"How can I save her?" Nathanial begged. "Please there must be some way."

"She has to give me the stone."

"Never!" Sophiea choked out. "I will never give it to someone like you."

"Ah ah ah. I don't think that's the right answer." She started to see dots on the edge of her vision as he tightened his grip.

"Just let it go Sophiea." Nathanial was on the brink of tears. "I can't lose you. Please."

The stone slipped between her fingers and fell to the forest floor. She was hurled to the ground next to it. She rolled over, gasping for air. Colors became more vivid as oxygen returned to her system.

She felt Nathanial cradle her head in his lap. "Oh love. Oh love." Tears spilled from his eyes onto her face. "I thought I was going to lose you. Why are you so stubborn?"

"Help me up." He pulled her to her feet as they heard metal grate on metal as the snap resonated through the forest.

They turned to see Thanos disappear through blue and black clouds.

Tasha came running over to the couple. She flung her arms around her son. "I thought you were gone again. I love you my son."

"I love you too mama." He hugged her back before letting go and turning to Sophiea. "Let me see your hands."

She held out her hands, displaying the burns the stone caused. He gently ran his fingers over the newly formed divots in her flesh.

"Oh, Sophiea, what did you do?" He held up her hands as he spoke, looking at her wounds.

"I couldn't let him get the stone."

"Your life is so much more important than a stone."


"No buts about it Sophiea." He let out a shaky breath and stepped towards her. "Sophiea- Sophiea."

"Yes?" Her voice was nothing above a whisper as she spoke.

"I-I love you Sophiea." There was nothing beneath her hands and they dropped unexpectedly. She reached up and cupped a hand to his cheek. "I'm sorry."

He was gone.

Disappeared out from her arms.

Flaked away into dust.

"Nathanial!" She called out. But he was gone. Others were calling out for their loved ones too.





She looked around her uncle was walking towards her. "Sophiea." She couldn't comprehend what was happening.

She couldn't breathe.

She couldn't feel her hands. Or her feet. She tried to reach out- to call for someone. But it was too late.

She was gone. 

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