•prom• (pt. 2)

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Hey!! Part 2 is here, your welcome :) also!! FYI if you guys EVER want a second part to any of these story's please please please comment and I promise to make a second part! I hate reading a one shot book and there being a chapter that absolutely needs a part 2, so definitely let me know!


Sam walked into his house and found his mother reading in the living room.
"Hey mom, is it okay if I spend the night at Colby's?"

"The neighbor who you drool over every time you see? Sure go right ahead sweetie." Ya I know, my moms fucking amazing. "Thanks mom, I love you!" Sam yelled as he ran upstairs.

He grabbed a bag so he could back his stuff he would need for the night.

He looked around his room grabbing his things, charger, pajama pants, toothbrush, phone, condoms- what no I don't need them... oh Sam. If only you could see what the author of this book had in mind. 😏🙃

He zipped up his book bag and ran downstairs to head out the door, when he finally was outside again he easily just hopped the fence and walked over to Colby's porch.

Colby opened the door before Sam could even knock, he then grabbed under Sams thighs and whispered "jump," Sam did as he was told and he was carried upstairs into Colby's room.

He laid Sam down on the bed getting on top of his attacking his neck.

"I've wanted to mark you as mine for the longest time."

Sams breathing became quicker with all the friction and be accidentally let out a moan as Colby continued to mark him with hickeys.

"Don't hold it in baby, nobody's here but me and you."

Colby then moved to his lips kissing him roughly, Sam moaned into the kiss as Colby grinded down on Sams erection.

Sam broke the kiss, making Colby give him a questioning look.

"I- I've never done this before Colbs, do you think we can continue this maybe, tomorrow night?"

"Ya Sam, of course, I would never make you feel like you have to do something your not comfortable with."

"Thank you."

"So anyway, about tomorrow..."

"Yes I would love to go to prom with you Colby."

They spent all night cuddling and watching movies on Netflix.

Time skip to next day

Colby woke up first, spooning the blonde boy beside him. He didn't want to wake Sam up, mainly because he wanted him to get as much rest as he wanted, but also because he looked so damn cute asleep in his arms.

Sam started to turn, waking up in the process.
"Good morning," Sam said tiredly to Colby.

Colby just smiled and giggled, looking down.
"What? Is my hair sticking up in 6 different places?" Sam laughed.

"Uh no, haha. You just look really fucking cute with bed head." Sam blushed at Colby's statement and got up to get ready for the day.

While they where getting changed, Colby started planning out their day since he was really organized when it came to this stuff.

"So I figured we could go out to lunch after this, come back and get ready for prom, take pictures and do all the 'pre-prom' stuff, and then I can drive us to prom? Sound good? Oh also, if you want to spend the night here after prom you can."

Sam just laughed at Colby's organization and said yes


I just realized I uploaded this without finishing it🤦‍♀️ so it's gonna be a little short while I work on part 3.

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