•dont give up on me•

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I was sad so... here ya go :)
(Anything italicized is Sams POV)

Summary: Sam and Colby get into their first argument



"What are you talking about! Your acting like I cheated on you when all I was doing was talking to a friend from highschool!" Sam shouted back.

"Oh ya, a 'friend' that kept touching you, and blushing, and twirling her hair, and laughing, and-"


"Ya mhmm. Nice my ass. If I wouldn't have dragged you from that party she would have tried to take you upstairs to fuck. But of course you wouldn't know that because YOU DO NOT REALIZE ANYTHING!"

"Why are you so damn over protective! I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF, I don't need you to supervise every fucking thing I do! And I sure as hell don't need you controlling me."
I don't mean this I promise.

and with that Colby turned around and walked out the door, didn't glance back, didn't even hear Sam yelling at him to come back. He just walked out of their shared apartment and went who knows were.

What have I done...

Sam ran to their bedroom and broke down. He would run after Colby but it's times like these that he just needs to give him space, he'll come back... right?


It's almost 11, where is he. I've tried everything, calling all his friends, calling him, texting him, I can't track his phone, he must have it shut off. What did I do. I just want Colby back..

The blonde with the tear stained face decided to sleep, keeping the door unlocked hoping Colby would be back before morning. Sike you woulda thought! (I'm sorry I'll go)

When Sam awoke the next morning to a cold, half empty bed, he started to cry again. No one knew where he was, and he couldn't take it anymore.

He tried calling Colby one last time.

No answer

He tried texting you.

Sam💓: Colby come home please. I'm sorry. Baby I love you so much.

One thing about Sam was that he had really bad depression, so when he slipped into it especially when Colby wasn't around, it was bad.

And that's why sam is where he is right now, in the bathroom hovering above the sink, wrists bleeding more than intended.

Sams intentions were never to kill himself. He just wanted to feel something other than the heart ache he had from his boyfriend who left without a trace.

But as one thing lead to another Sams vision slowly went black as he made one more line on his arm.
He fell and hit his head off the tile floor causing his neighbors Aaron and Jake to run over making sure everything was okay.

They knocked several times before realizing the door was open, they called out Sam and Colbys names before seeing the bathroom door slightly crept open.

Aaron knocked slightly before pushing the door open, seeing a blonde on the floor, covered in blood.

"H-holy shit! Jake call 911!"
Aaron picked Sam up and put him on the couch, getting rags, anything to stop his wrists from bleeding.

"The ambulance will be here in 2 minutes."
"Ok ok try calling Colby! God where the fuck is he?!"

Jake tried calling Colby... no answer.

"He's not picking up."


Aaron and Jake followed the ambulance to the hospital since they did not know where Colby was.

Once they arrived they where told to wait in the waiting room.

15 minutes later one of the nurses came out.

"Sam Golbach?"

"Hi yes, where with him is everything okay??"

"Well he's going to live, he actually died on the table but luckily we were able to revive him quick enough, he's currently in a comma that can last up to a week. May I asked what your relationship to the patient is?"

"Uh neighbors."

"And does the patient currently live with anyone?"

"His boyfriend yes but he can't seem to be found anywhere."

"And the boyfriends name?"

"Colby Brock, Cole Brock."

The nurses face turned into confusion and hurt.

"Cole Brock is currently in this hospital, he got hit by a truck last night after wondering out of home. He's going to be okay but he's in crucial conditions, you guys can see him if you would like? He woke up 10 minutes ago. His brain probably isn't all there yet."

"Oh my god... Yes yes please we need to see him."

"Ok follow me."

The two males followed the nurse into a room not far from Sams, and they seen the brunettes half awake, mildly confused.

"COLBY!! Oh my god, nobody knew where you were are you okay!"

"Where's Sam! Who are you guys?"

"Colby where your neighbors. Sam is uh.."

"Where! Where is Sam!"

"Colby do you remember what happened last night?"

"Yes bits and pieces, me and Sam argued and I left. That's all I remember, now I'm here."

"Colby, Sams in the room down the hall, he tried to commit.. s-suicide, but the nurse said he'll be okay." Jake said calmly.



Hey guys!! Don't hate me. Part 2 is coming soon. I was really upset today so I figured I'd write something sad. But don't worry!! Our 2 favorite boys are both alive. ❤️😂 also this is not edited cause.. I'm lazy, so sorry for any errors!!

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