•prank wars•

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Summary: Colby loves playing pranks on his boyfriend Sam :) also some cute Colby moments up there for you guys 🔝


Oh did Colby love to prank Sam. Most of them were harmless pranks that they laughed over, but today Colby had a pretty big one set up for his YouTube channel.

He first had to get Corey and Elton in on it.
"Hey Corey, Elton! I need your help."

The other couple came into the living room holding hands (uwu) and flirting with each other like always.

"Ok can you guys get your hands off one another for 2 minutes?" Colby spoke slightly annoyed.

Finally the two males gave Colby their full attention, "so what's up?" Elton said.

"I'm gonna pra-"
"Your gonna prank Sam again what is it this time, silly string to wake him up? Throw him in the pool? Smash a pie into his face?" Corey said already knowing what Colby had planned.

"Well no, basically Elton's going to pretend to murder me, and Corey, you will walk in yelling at him like he's psycho, and the Sam will come down and think I'm dead..."

"Really man, why you gotta mess with your boyfriends feelings like that," Corey said since he was obviously the softie of the trap house.

"I will tell him it's a prank almost as soon as he sees me so don't worry, will you please help me," Colby said extending the e in me.

"Fine," The couple said in unison.


A couple hours later Sam was upstairs editing him and Colby's most recent video, "boy friend tag (with a twist)" so he was going to be up there for awhile.

Colby got out his camera and started his intro

"Hey guys what's up! Today I am going to be playing yet another prank on my boyfriend Sam. I'm going to be covering myself in fake blood and Elton is going to be hovering over me with a kitchen knife. Say hi uncle Elton.."


"So I'm going to show you guys the set up of me getting ready and we will get right on to the prank!"

Colby set his camera up and starting covering his shirt and hands in fake blood. He then laid down right near the bottom of the stares and Elton put some fake blood on the knife and his hands.

Corey then started screaming to get the blondes attention.


Almost immediately, Sam came running down the stairs yelling, "what happened? Is everyone okay down here I keep hearing scr-"

Sam stopped right on the second to last step as he took a look at his bloodied up boyfriend.


"He wouldn't shut up about a petty argument and I lost control..." Elton said trying not to laugh at his story he just made up.

Sam started bawling his eyes out while also running to kneel down next to his lover, "Colby! Colby wake up baby! Please! I need you! WAKE THE FUCK UP!"

After Colby laid still Sam turned his head to Elton now processing what had happened.

"You son of a bitch! What did you do!" Sam yelled to the top of his lungs and lunged at Elton, punching him in his nose.

After this had happened Corey ran up grabbing Sam so he couldn't do anymore harm to his boyfriend.

"Sam! Sam! It's a prank! Stop!" He yelled signaling for Colby to now wake up.

"Sam baby I'm okay! Don't hurt Elton he didn't do anything!"

Sam didn't know what was going on at first he just remembered bringing Colby into his arms and crying his eyes out. "Please don't ever do this to me again I thought you were gone."

"I won't I'm sorry babe. But hey, makes a good YouTube video huh?" Colby said pointing to the camera.

"Oh my god I hate you! Now everyone's going to think I'm a baby." Sam said laughing, jokingly punching his boyfriend in the arm.

Colby grabbed the camera and decided to film his outro,

"Well guys, I guess we know that Sam really cares about me and oh, Elton is okay, Sam didn't punch him to hard haha! Anyway, see you guys next week bye!"

He ending the video and set his camera down turning to his boyfriend, "ya know Elton would never stand a chance against me right?"

"Hey yo! Shut the fuck up I can beat your ass." Elton jokingly shouted from the kitchen where Corey was making sure Elton's nose was okay.

Then out of the blue Arron and Jake came downstairs from their shared bedroom, half naked and looking like they just fucked for 4 hours straight, (it was actually only 1 hours oops) and looked at everyone confused, "we heard screaming, but we were kinda busy, uh is everyone okay?"

"Ya I just pretended Elton killed me to prank Sam... ya know the usual." Colby said giggling.

"Oh, so it's a pretty normal day in the trap house then."


Ahhh I actually really like this I hope you do to, and remember to leave me requests in the comment section for upcoming chapters! Don't forget to vote! ❤️❤️❤️

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