•first kiss•

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Summary: everyone is playing truth or dare and Sam gets asked a question which he's super embarrassed to answer, but of course... Colby makes him feel better :)

Idea from fatbottomedsolby


Sam, Colby, Elton, Corey, Aaron, Jake, Devyn, Katrina, Mike, Kevin, and Tara were all playing truth or dare after a party that was held at the trap house.

After many rounds of doing stupid stuff, it's once again Elton's turn. Elton is that person that will give you the dare that will get you in trouble or the truth that you never would want to answer.

Luckily for him, he knew everything about everyone, so he knew that Colby Brock had a crush on Sam, and he also knew Sam has never kissed anyone, let alone been in a relationship.

"Elton your turn." Jake said interrupting his plan that was stirring around in his mind.

"Oh right, um, Sam truth or dare."

"Truth." Sam said wanting to pick the easiest option so he didn't have to jump in the pool fully clothed... again.

"Ok Sam, who was your first kiss?"

(Yup... uncle Elton went there)

Sam's cheeks immediately turned a dark pink, he knew Elton was aware of the fact that he's never kissed anyone, so why would he ask this?

"I um, well I don't remember," Sam rushed out.

"Come on Sam, everyone remembers their last kiss! Just whoever you think of last."

"I told you I don't remember!" Sam spat out slightly annoyed now.

"Sam come on just answer the-"

"OH MY GOD. I've never kissed anyone Elton!" Sam now extremely pissed off since he just embarrassed himself in front of all his friends, and his bestfriend who he had a crush on.

Colby glared at Elton, then looked at Sam completely shocked that someone who was as breath taking as himself had never been kissed before.

Everyone was silent and Sam was almost on the verge of tears, he felt like he was being judged by everyone in the room, especially Colby.

So out of embarrassment he got up and ran to his bed room.

"Yo Elton, that was kinda a dick move man," Corey said to the elder.

Elton kind of felt like a prick yes, but he only did it so his plan would work. ⤵️

•Elton would ask Sam who his first kiss was to get him to say he had never been kissed before.
•Then Colby who obviously likes the blonde would feel bad after Sam had ran up into his room and go and comfort him.
•Then hopefully Colby won't be a pussy and makes a move on the kid he's liked since freshman year.
•Then all the solby shippers could have their wish come true.... tadaaaaa.

Colby immediately ran up after the blonde hoping he would now be able to make a move on him.

Once he came face to face with a closed door, he gently knocked.

"G-go away Elton," Sam stuttered, obviously crying.

"It's um, it's Colby, Sam please let me in."

Sam got up from his bed and slowly unlocked the door. Colby then was facing the blonde who's obviously been crying.

"Are you here t-to make fun of me? Cause if you are you can jus-"

Oh shit here goes nothing.

Colby shut the blonde up by closing the gap between them, kissing Sam felt like fireworks going off in his heart. After a few seconds Sam finally started to kiss back, copying the brunettes actions.

For someone who has never kissed anyone he's pretty damn good...

The kiss started to get heated super fast, and Colby swiped his tongue against the blondes bottom lip.

Sam denied access and continued kissing him normally.

Colby then moved his hands from Sams waste to his ass, squeezing it gently.

This caused Sam to gasp in shock and Colby quickly slid his tongue in, exploring the others mouth.

Then finally released breathing heavily, out of breath.

"D-did you do that just because I've never been kissed before?" Sam asked hoping that wasn't the only reason.

"Well I guess you could say that, but I also wanted to have the honor of being the first person to ever get lucky enough to have a chance with you."

Sam blushed, slightly shocked that his crush for 4 years now is saying this.

"Well I'd be glad to give you more than one stupid kiss if your saying what I think your saying," Sam said with confidence.

"I'm saying I like you."

"Then I'm saying I like you too Colby."

"Sam, will you be my boyfriend."

"Of course."

"YES! I knew solby was real!!" Elton shouted from around the corner.

Sam and Colby rolled their eyes and connected their lips once again.


Awww!! I tried my best haha, guys!! Please give me requests in the comment section! I am having such bad writers block right now!!!!!❤️😭

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