Don't Want Reality

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Note: The top image is from Super Smash Bros Ultimate. It tells the story of a child growing up playing videogames/playthings and forgetting.

I remember when I was a child,
I played with my toys.

I go out with friends.
I hang out with my family.

When I'm 14-17 years old,
I still act like a child.

Still playing with toys and videogames.
My parents kept on scolding me.

To grow up, that's what they said.
To stop playing with playthings and give up my childish ways

My heart says 'I DON'T WANT TO GROW UP!!'
But my mind says 'OHHH, GROW UP ALREADY!!'

Start acting like that!
But I don't care.
If I kept on forgetting,
I'll never want to relive my childhood

😞😞😞 😭😭😭

Your POV

My life sucks and it's going downfall. I was driving my way to school.....with tears falling down to my face. I'm in a serious mental condition. My parents abused me and moved away, leaving me all the house. Life in the real world sucks!!

I arrived at the entrance of the school gates and park my car at the near parking lot, letting my head down. As I entered the entrance, I put on a low brave look on my face and began to walk through the hallway towards to our first subject, Mathematics. I sat at the back before glancing at a window, thinking about my life experience as a child, love of my parents back then and now they ignored me.

The teacher finally entered the classroom and start the class discussing the topic of our lesson.


At school these days, I wasn't paying attention. I feel like I'm going to break apart. If one of my classmates asked me something like:

'Why do you have no group?'

'I pick everyone except (Y/N).'

'You're such a wimp, you dorky loser!!'

'Why can't you fight back, huh?!!'

Any negative or vulgar comments like that. I should just said to them like:

'Because I'm too sad.'

'I'm not allowed to participate'

'I'm in a serious medical condition and I need to take some medicine.'

But I refused and they made me go to the detention office, have a talk to the principal and allowed me to go home because I faked and pretended being sick like twice a week or want to go to the guidance councilor's office to check up my health if I'm feeling well or not. I ended up being bullied, kicking or hitting, calling me dirty names or stuff like that.

I don't want to go to school.
I don't want to get a job.
I don't want to have a boyfriend.
I don't want to listen people's words.
I don't want to face the world.

I just want to live in a world of peace. Happiness, love and imaginary.
I just want to go back to my childhood years. To see my old memories.
I just want to be be a little child forever.....

*~Later that afternoon~*

School ends the whole day now it's time for me to go home. I started the engine and began to drive my way home. Minutes later, when I finally made it to the house, I felt my heart is getting close to death. Like I'm about to explode. I opened my mouth a little bit to catch my breath. But I feel like my body ran out of oxygen. I coughed and coughed, wheezing for air, blood dripping from my mouth.....then, it was too eyes getting heavy and I fainted. The last thing I remember was someone calling for help to get an ambulance.


My body feel weak. I could hear beeping sounds, people clamoring for emergency....wait, am I in the hospital?

I felt myself ascended to the sky. I could see a bright light....I turned my head to see my dead body laying on a bed. I sobbed softly. I guess I have no choice. It's time for me to leave this world. I looked back once more....I'm so faraway now. I could feel this silhouette breeze.....and I can see a stairway from above the clouds. A gateway to heaven!!!! I let out tears of sadness but joyful tears. Heaven is so beautiful to see.

I found myself sleeping on I tried to open my eyes, I can see someone in a hood rubbing my back soothingly. It looks like a male. I wonder who it is?

"W-who are you?"

I asked the hooded figure.

"I am Link."

I suddenly woke up and looked around my surroundings. I sat up as I turned my head to a hooded stranger facing me. He slowly took off his hood, revealing golden blonde hair, pure blue eyes and a handsome face. I blushed slightly. He had long pointed ears that reminds me of forest elves. He wore a white tunic along with a long white hooded cape. He also have......glowing white wings!!

"Hello, (Y/N)", his voice is sounds like an angel and I blushed.

"You know my name?"

"Yes. You are having coughs, always depressed and you died from a heart attack. You don't have to worry now. You are here in heaven. I am here."

He cupped my cheeks as I started to sob, letting tears flow like waterfalls and he wiped my tears away. He wrapped his arms around me protectively as I rested my head against his shoulder for comfort, letting his wings spread wide and covering me.

"I feel safe with you, Link. I'm so glad you're here...."

"Sshhh, it's alright, (Y/N)."

He cooed. He slowly leaned over to me and we passionately kissed. He grabbed my head and pulled into a deep intense kiss as we laid down on the grass and smiled lovingly. He rubbed his nose on my cheek soothingly. I giggled and I smiled shyly. He smirked and start kissing my neck, making a visible lovemark as I moaned.

"(Y/N)? My heart is beating."

He cooed. I placed my hand on his chest, I can hear his heartbeat.

"It means that.....I love you so much."

He said to me seductively and he gave me another kiss, locking our eyes in a loving gaze.

"I love you too, Link....."


"A lot of my childhood memories involve walking home in floods of tears. At that age, feeling unpopular is difficult to handle." - Rachel Stevens

"I was very worried, but you comforted me and made me happy." - Psalms 94:19 NCV

My Guardian Angel (Angel!Link x Religious!Reader Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now