Road To Another World

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Note: Terms for 'another world':
* Virtual reality
* Other-worlder
* Alternate or parallel dimension
* Between worlds
* Fantasy and reality
* Imagination or visions
* Lucid dreams
* Portal or doorway
* Physical and spiritual realm
* Mutiverse

"If you believe in angels, then why not unicorns, sea monsters or leprechauns?" - Lisa Simpson ('The Simpsons')

"My way of dealing with my hurt and pain is to listen to music. It lets me escape to another world. Music is my way out. Music is my way of getting away. Music is another life, sometimes music is all you need to get away to that world no one knows about." - Unknown

Your POV

I am a teenager with wild and childish imagination. I can picture any kind of paradise I want. I'd love to paint or draw. I want to show everyone about my creative talent and skills but nobody appreciates it either...even my own parents.

I'm not really good at anything. I don't like it at all. To be honest with you, I never told anyone about my drawings or paintings. Probably it's mostly my favorite hobbies. I feel different....and I acted weird among people who doesn't like my creativity.

I kept all of it inside my room as an art collection. If I don't do art on my free time, I'd like to listen chillstep or relaxing music to focus my dreams, whatever that might be. I want to live and follow my own dream.

Well, not that 'dream' of getting a real job. I was talking about what would be like in a dream. I wonder if there's an another world out there? Curious I am but I thought those things are just facts or myths or made-up stories.

Just a merely illusion or some crazy hallucination whatsoever. Some say are like a bridge between the real world and the spirit world which are connected to each other into both peace and balance, life and destruction.

I can't think of it but I want to know what's on the other side. A world full of happiness, enlightenment, freedom and love. A place full of wonderful things and childhood memories. I'm sure there's more of that to discover, waiting to experience like an adventure...

I placed my hand on the window as I sighed sadly. I saw birds flying freely in the sky. I sighed again at the sight. I landed on my bed before staring at the ceiling and faced towards the window. I felt a strong urge strangling my heart. What's this feeling could be called? Nostalgia? I guess so...

It's such a long time I've been waiting for this moment. If I were a bird, I would just spread my wings and fly free like the wind take me somewhere. I decided to take some beauty sleep. It was nearing sundown. Then, I slowly drifted off and fell asleep, everything turned black.


I was trying to get a peaceful sleep but I found myself sleeping on grass. It's as fresh as morning dew mixed with moss and earth. The wind blew around me and the rushing sound of water.

I sat up as I stretched my arms upwards and rubbing my eyes in my hands. Everything looked magical and more beautiful to my thoughts. I was right....there IS an another world...and it was totally far from perfect than my own world.

I looked down and saw my reflection in the water. It was clean and clear as glass...and I was wearing differently. An off-shoulder white dress with pastel pink flower ribbons on the waistline. It exposed my bare shoulders and arms...I slightly blushed at this fashion.

When I take a glance of myself in the water, I saw an another reflection and it looks like a male with angel wings. I heard it chuckling at me, and that laugh belonged to a certain man in a light greyish white tunic. I gasped silently at first sight of him.

Golden blonde hair, bright blue eyes and pointed ears. So good-looking...his eyes landed on my dress that covered my breasts and exposed to see my shoulders. He smirked seductively at this and then, he walked over to me.

I gasped again as I scurried backwards and covered my chest. He caught my both hands before trapping me and held them above my head. I whimpered and panting heavily at his sudden touch. I looked away shyly while I closed my eyes shut.

I can feel his warm breath against my neck as he licked my skin alluringly. I tried to hold back moans but he smirked and chuckled huskily to my ears. I blushed deeply at the first time he gave me pleasure. I was so shy and a little scared...I've never met a hot guy like him before in my life.

"...Please...stop it...please..."

I whimpered. He then kissed my cheek passionately. I blushed even more. He spoke up first.

"I never met a lovely maiden like you here. Such stunning beauty, lovely body, long hair, adorable eyes...I like it."

He took my hands and helped me sat up. He caressed my cheek gently, locked his eyes in mine as he snaked his arm around my waist. I placed my hands on his strong chest.

"W-who are you?", I asked him shyly.

"I am Link. Your name if I may?"

"(Y/N)...", I replied to him.

"A pretty name. Your eyes tells me that you suddenly appeared here and you might be wondering that you were taken to another world. Right, (Y/N)?"

He said with a small smile. I nodded.

" see, to where I come from, people back in my world thought it was just a mystery. I kind of starting to have visions of what would be an another world is like. That's all I can say..."

He gently stroked my hair and gazed into my eyes. He gave me a loving hug and I rested on his shoulder while he rubbed my back soothingly.

"It seemed that you have found this place by yourself. And I would love to finally meet a cute girl of my dreams. Now, I have found you."

I sighed at his words. He planted lots of kisses all over my face, making me giggle. He laughed charmingly and his cheeks are pink, our hands intertwined. He's as warm as a blanket everytime I went to sleep...with him beside me.

"I love you, Link. I've never met a boy like you. I am alone anymore...I have you by my side. I love you the most."

I said to him with a peaceful look written on my face. He cooed and whispered sweet words. His sexy voice made my heart melt like setting on fire.

"I love you too, (Y/N)."

We both laid down on the grass as the petals flew against the cool breeze. We cuddled in each others' arms, enjoying our first romantic moment.


"The Shamanic path starts the bridge the boundary between ordinary reality or our physical world and non-ordinary reality which is the spirit world." - Jose Luiz Stevens

"I believe there is another world waiting for us. A better world. And I'll be waiting for you there." - Cloud Atlas

My Guardian Angel (Angel!Link x Religious!Reader Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now