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it was around midsummer, and mark is currently flying across the sky with his dark wings as he followed the Lee's car, going to who knows where.

if he can still remember correctly, he heard donghyuck's parents talking about having a vacation 3 days before at a resort somewhere in Jeju which is apparently, 4 hours away from their house, reason as to why they left early now.

and because it's a long ass ride, or in mark's case, a long ass hour of flying, he was starting to get tired. well— his wings are starting to get tired.

he can teleport, of course. but he doesn't even know where the hell that resort is in Jeju or what it looks like. as a demon, he should have already mastered up all the places in the world but he's a mf lazy ass dude so he never bothered memorizing each places in different countries.

so to stop mark's sufferings, he teleported inside the car, now sitting beside the sleeping 7 year old child who had two stuffies in his arms. why did he even decided to fly in the first place?

the demon groaned and leaned on the seat, letting himself focus on something else like looking outside the window, for example, and not on the two adults who are busy talking about business stuffs.

if you're wondering where the angel is, he won't appear in a day till the child himself decided to pray for him to. and mark was thankful he wouldn't get to look out for donghyuck with someone else, much worse— with jeno.

the demon was still blaming himself for it. and just looking at the poor angel makes him get disgusted at himself.


“ma.. mark.. help! p-please..”

then a loud scream made him snap out of his trance, biting his lower and looking down at his lap, tears slowly trickling down his cheeks at the horrible memory from the past events. "i'm sorry..."

- -

"whaaaaaaaa it's so nice here!!" donghyuck exclaimed, obviously excited as he skipped his way and twirled around to their own private room at the resort.

his parents chuckled at his behavior, luggages in both their hands as they followed him to their room. they were blessed to have donghyuck as their child. he's a bright, smart and a friendly kid. just like him.

mr. lee got the key from his pocket and unlocked the door.

the family walked inside one by one, hearing a loud dramatic gasp from the child. "they have a piano here!" donghyuck happily went to sit on the chair as he tried playing some keys.

mark watched from a distance, surprised with the 7 year old human playing a very familiar song with the piano. even his parents were confused.

"hyuckie? since when did you learn playing the piano?" mrs. lee headed towards the young one after he played.

"oh mommy! i had a dream last night. i saw someone playing the same song! and he taught me too" he swings his feet back and forth, looking up at his mother with the same bright smile.

the demon shook his head in disbelief. "this can't be true..." he mumbled before leaving the house, flying up to one of the roofs.


and again.

he heard his voice.

and the slight pain in his head was slowly eating him up, resulting for him to fall on his knees as he looked up the sky. "i-i'm sorry, please.."

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how is the story so far fjfbfjfn

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