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Thinking about Liam's words previously when he said he doesn't want a baby anymore really confused the hell out of me. What made him change his mind? I saw his eyes and I swear he was on verge of tears when I was dying in his arms. And then when I laid his hand on my stomach and something squirmed inside of me, his eye got wide and his lips trembled. Then it was the first time I ever saw him cry.

Lost in deep thoughts is when I didn't realize that someone sat down on my bed. I turned my head from my pillow to see Liam sitting on the side of the bed. I gulped and rubbed my eyes.

After waiting him for too long, I just gave up and went to bed. It was almost pass midnight when he came in my room and sat on my bed.

"Hey. "He said, I looked at him carefully, waiting for his sassy comment.. But it never came.

"H-hi."I stuttered rubbing my eyes more. I reached for the night stand and turned on the lamp standing on it. "What do you want?"

I asked, not knowing what I, myself, meant with it.

"Nothing. Am I not allowed to come in your room anymore?"

"No. I mean .."Words couldn't form a sentence in my mind. I was waiting so bad for him to say he was sorry or that he changed his mind but it never came actually. "I need to sleep. I'm tired. "

I laid back down and turned my face back to the window, closing my eyes and pretending to sleep.

A few minutes later, I felt Liam lay down next to me and wrap his arm around my waist.


*•*•*3weeks later*•*•*

Time is passing by.. And I'm being such a coward. Never getting the courage to get my ass to tell Liam that I want to go to London. Better yet need to go there.

Lately, I've started working in a restaurant down the rood in an abandoned alley way. Few people just know the place there and they've became more friendly. Knowing that I was indeed needing the money, they'd always leave good tips for me.

Things got more interesting there each day, but the thing I feared the most was that Liam was going to find out about it sooner or later. I'd sneak out during the day when he's at work and before he comes back, I'd go home and cook dinner for the both of us.

"I feel bad for you. "He said one night when we were having dinner.

"Why?" I asked him, confusion filling my features.

"'Cause you're sitting alone all day and doing house chores like a housewife which has a family and children. "

He said eyeing my expression warily.

"Yea.. The difference is that I have no family.. Nor children. "I said the last part in a whisper more to myself.

"You know .."he trailed off looking at space, lost in thoughts. "Today, I was at a funeral made in a garden next to a church, leading a soul to the light.. But then, I saw another soul in her. It was heart breaking. The whole town was almost at the funeral. They even offered her husband money.."

My heart ached at the poor boy and I was few inches away from breaking down so I decided to just get up and walk away.

But I didn't. Curiosity got the best of me so I stayed.

"..he didn't want money. He denied the offer in front of everyone, saying he'd rather keep his wife and daughter's soul. " Liam seemed to lose his appetite, pushing the plate aside as he swallowed visibly.

"He said, 'Nothing in the world can be replaced by my loving and precious wife.. Nor my unborn daughter. They were the best thing that ever happened to me and they still are. '"

"What did you do?" I couldn't help but speak my mind out.

"Nothing, but his wife saw everything and told me to tell him that she'll always love him -"

"Stop !" I interrupted him. The burning lump in my throat killing me. I couldn't hold it anymore. The women said my words when I was dying in Liam's arm.

"I would've saved your life if I could. But I couldn't I was helpless and couldn't feel any worst !" He said trying to explain hisself.

"But you didn't! That's the problem !" I stood up, and turned dumping the plates in the dishes.

"Elena , you can't blame me for not being able to help you. I did my best! You were stubborn and you didn't listen !"

"It's not about that Liam. It's not about that. "

"You wanna know how I felt when I was watching that scene? I felt the same way when I was holding you in my arms and watching the life getting out of you. "

"But it wasn't just about me! It was about the other soul inside of me too!" I pointed to my stomach.

He was silent. Dumbfounded. Not knowing what to say.

I held my forehead with my hand, closing my eyes and taking in a deep breath. Same arguments over and over. Nothing changing.

"Know what?" I said ,

"I don't want a child anymore."

"Lets have another baby. " we both said at the same time.

"What?" He said shocked.

"What?" I mirrored him.

"You don't?" He asked frowning. Wondering why I don't want a baby anymore.

I shook my head. "Why do you want one now?"

"Why don't you want one anymore?" He asked coming closer to me.

"Because .. I'm going to England. "


A/N: heyy guyss :D

I miss you all !! How have you been doing? School have been tiring those days and I decided to give you an early update cz I got a 5-days-holiday which me (im a muslim) celebrate in my village with my family so I wont have time to give you that update tomorrow anywho. Sorry for making this short chapter so shity i tried making it as long as possible but It just wouldnt want to get longer just like my height .lmao xD

Yea so its not edited and you all know what to do. I miss ur comments :c

Lol i love you all bye. :D

*•*•*•* kisses*•*•*•*•*

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