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-at Kiera's house
"Gimme one second fam" I replied in a annoyed tone.

We was in a hurry since we was off to one of our close friends events in Croydon so wasn't off ends but still was far from where we live ,which was Brixton.  Since it was her 'sweet 16'we came looking presentable or what i will call 'Fucking snacks'.

I was wearing a white lace bodysuit with a vinyl hem skirt with a black leather jacket and black Alexander mcqueens and my best friend ,Jessica, was wearing the same thing.
After 5 hours of getting ready we ordered a uber to the hall and was off.

"For fuck sakes ."Jessica sounded annoyed while she was on her phone reading a message.
"What happened ?"
"Tyrone said we should meet him so we can go all together"
"Where is he or dem lot?" I asked knowing Tyrone wouldn't be alone.

Tyrone(TAINZ)was Jessica's OVERPROTECTIVE boyfriend, personally i don't really like him because i feel like he is just using her cause she a pretty girl with breast a bum ,but they have been dealing for 5 month now so that might now be the case. He was also boys with my brother Kerrem (K1),Raheem(Rsav) and the oldest Kasey(KS) ,if your wondering they were all in the same gang call GS(and i have no idea what that stands for) Kasey being  the leader.

"Umm..... at his house-oh my gosh guess who he is with?her voice became squeaky in excitement.
"Please no,not nicoles." I answered in a moaning tone.
"Woahhh ,first of all ew second of all -never mind you will see"she chuckled.

30 min later
Tyrone's house
"On my life that slag told me to come to her gaff saying she will give me head ,obviously I didn't go that looked long"explained David (D2).
"Don't lie you wanted to-" i cut Kerrem off reminding them we got a party to get to.

"-yeah that's enough,Can we start going is already 8 and it finishes at 11" I informed them before they started talking again. Then there was a knock on the door. Like who else was gonna come with us. It was already me ,Jessica, David , Kerrem ,Tyrone and some two other boys dylan (DY) and tyresse (TY) so who else would possibly come now. I walk to to the door and open the door and see two other boys.

I instantly caught my on one of them that was a darkskin tall with waves and fuck-off silver tooth. I looked at him up and down analysing him forgetting he was watching me. So embarrassing.

"Yo ,what you saying?"he chuckled
His voice was so fucking sexy and bare deep.
"Hi...hey um yeah am good um Tyrone is inside"
Chill the fuck out keira.
His friend walked inside the house laughing however he stayed. I walked outside to get some air i had to try stay normal before going back inside.

"You alright der?" He chuckled with a side grin.
"Yeah is a little hot in there"started fanning myself to make it look realistic. He was so leng it was unbelievable.

"Say nothing,what how come I haven't seen you round here before?"looking down at me. He looked at least 6 foot and am only 5'5 so he was like a giant towards me.
"Well am not from like down here" I didn't even know how to respond whilst looking at him.
"I hear dat , your leng doe"he tilted his head whilst saying it. I was shocked , i get called peng but this hit different. Like he just called me leng i didn't really think he ment it but whatever take the compliment.
"Don't agree but thank y-"
"Aye kiera the cab is there jump in!" Jessica was shouting clearly on purpose know me and leng cheng was talking.
"Alright kool!" I replied in a tone coding her to go away.
"I ment to say thank you by the way,are you coming to the party aswell?"i asked hoping he said yes.
"Yeah the birthday girl is my lil sis styl,hold on"pulling out his phone to answer a call.

By the time he answered the phone everyone was outside getting in the cab. I jumped in finnaly on our way to the party.
{so how you man liking it am tyrna get it to all make sense. If your lost kiera is the main character so is the boy who tried to move her which is Desmond.

The rest of the boys are Desmond friends and kerrem , kaden and Kasey are kiera's brothers also jessica is her kiera's best friend}

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