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Earlier that day.......
"Kiera?"trying to call her name since she was sleep on me. All the mandem were back from home stay(basically an easy way to get uck or smoke weed).

"Yo DEZ!?"i could hear raheem call my name from the living room and instantly kiera woke up. I dont know how she does it but she looks penger when she wakes up.
"Hold on b imma be back"then i left the room,went down stairs were tyrone ,daniel ,kerrem ,raheem and tyreese and nicoles was.  When they saw me kerrem started screwing.

"Rah man said he beat k1 lil sis yeh"daniel said laughing then trying to spudd me. I moved back dodging his spudd. I didn't even realise i came out the room. My hood was in her room ,shoes off and my trackie down and i also had a boner which was clear to see.

"What did you do with my sister ak?"raheem looking at me up and down.

"Fam chill man didnt do any-"

"Aye kiera come here now!"kerrem asked kiera in a harsher tone. Then you could just hear kiera coming down the stairs slowly.

"What was you two doing up der?"kerrem asked whilst pointing up stairs.

"We didnt do anything why would think dat-"then she looked at me like i lied on her name then looked at nicoles.

"Aye fuck dat fham mans cutting " nicoles said whilst walking out and slamming the front door. I didn't even know dis yute but is like they had so kind of attachment.

" i dont really dont have time for this"then she kissed her teeth and went back up stairs.

For some reason I thought i fucked up badly like i lied to the mandem saying we beat when that wasnt the case.
The tension in the living room was so thick everyone was angry for there own reasons.
"Anyways you man we gotta go we got some cheffing to d-"

"-what do you mean cheffing what happened?" Cutting raheem off.

Kerrem sighed and unzipped his hoodie and he had a white tee full of blood.

"What the fuck fam who got stabbed?" I asked in a serious tone.

"Some OG one try run up on man so i did what i had to do inih-"kerrem tried explaining. Whilst he was explaining i was fixing myself up.

"Fam you dont juss ching people for bants g-lets go"then i went up stairs and in kieras room to get my hoodie.

"Inna bit b"I tried calming down but i was helping. My temper was going up very fast.

"Yeah you can get out my room now"she seemed angry for no reason.

"What did i d-"

"-what you did was you lied on my name about we beat when you know we didn't fam just get out"

"Wait first lets lower the tone there is no need second noone ever spoke about beating anyone b ,listen imma talk to later i gotta go"then i kissed her cheek and left trying not to continue the conversation.

3 hours later :my gaff

After running down opps and cookin sone edibles and shit i was finnaly in bed. I thought Kiera was still angry at me and i didn't even have her snap so I iMessaged her.

Yo cutie
Heyy Desmond
I forgot to get to get your snap so do u wanna pass it though b?
Ite is kprincess-23
Safe b ,and what you still angry at man?
Kiera 😻
Nah I aint anymore ,sorry for assuming tho😪
Is calm b

I added her on snap and watched her story.

I added her on snap and watched her story

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I stared at snap for the longest. Thats my babes right there uno. She's so buff.
So i screenshotted and comment on the snap

Hehe thanks❤️, you good tho ?x
Yeh my blessed styl wby?
Yeh am good x
Ite ,wat skl you go be b?
Scholarcamp Academy in brixton ,why?
Say nothing,juss asking you may see me there chilling who knows b😉
Alright den😂😂😂
Say nothing imma shout you later cutie
Alright bye x

And that was it i was in ,lightwork brudda.

{ight this one took some time cause i had to find a pic  but yeah not as much drama but there is gonna be alot of
problems in the next chapter or two I promise 😎}
-Debora 💕

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