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THE PARTY / 10:30

"Aye you man lets cut now this rave is getting shit" I stated to all the mandem.
At first the rave was live, got bare whines,bare girls snaps and all dat but the party was starting to come to a end. And all now I haven't seen that girl i was moving at Tyrone but its cool I'll catch her later.

"Say nothing "replied Daniel(ADDZ)
Immediately dylan & tyresse looks outside to see Jessica running inside towards all of us panting out of breath.
"wa'gwan for you"tyrone asked her in a concerned manner.

"There are some boys outside ......asking us for all you man then they beat us up now they have keira -"she said out of breath. Kerrem just cut her off.  He was so vexed at this point. I was aswell.

"-So why the fuck would you leave her-FOR FUCK SAKES!"he said shouting then we all ran outside.

It was the OG ones. We've been beefing them since we stabbed one of there members. Like they are so wet and have no p now they are beating girls up. I couldn't have it.

We all back out our straps running up on dem then they started running throwing kiera on the  floor. 

"DONT FUCKING RUN ,ARE U NUTS ?"they we all still running , i told everyone to go back inside the hall and lock the doors,then went see if kiera was hurt.

"Chill chill chill is cool i got you"i told her trying to calm her down. I put my strap back in my bottoms then I backed out my phone and put flash on to see if she had any bruises or cut.

When i say they fucked her up so bad ,she had a swollen lip a black eye clothes ripped up her back was bleeding and they left her with no shoes like what the fuck fam broke niggas taking girls shoes. I could feel myself get heated but I didn't want her to see that, tears came down her cheek  and she was spitting out blood.

I picked her up and took her into my car. Layed her down on her back and drove her home. I told Reheem and Kasey what happened and they were pissed. they took her to her room and told me to stay with her while they go find them man.

2hours later
"Ohh shit,what the fuck-"she closed her mouth immediately when she saw me. She tried sitting up but I could see she was still in pain so I helped her.

Dont ruin this for yourself Desmond.

"You feeling better yh?"tried to make her say something cause since I tried move her and we got in the car ,she hasn't said jack to man.

"Ye-yeah ....what happened first of all?"she asked quitely. I didn't really wanna answer that cause felt bad. A whole me felt bad for a girl i juss met a day ago.

"You kinda got jumped by OG ones but-forget about it your brother patterned it."I explained whilst rubbing her shoulders.

"Um so what you still doing here?"she chuckle

"Ouch ,i was told to look after you"

"Am 16 i can take care of myself uno"

"Your 16!?"

"Yeah what did you think i was ?"she starts laughing. She looked so leng when she smiled.

"Like 17 or 18, that cool though could still pattern the ti-"

"I beg your pardon"


Then we both started laughing.
I could tell she was feeling the kid from the way she was looking at me.
Cah mans leng inih so dis is light work you feel me ?
Kasey called me so I picked up.

"Yo bro"

"Hows my sis doing"


I remembered i never actually knew her name cah it never got to a point I could even ask.

"What your name b?"

"Kiera"she started to smile making me blush. At my age am blushing. Wow.

I went back on the phone to kasey.
"Yeah kieras klm"

"Say nothing we are on our way ,apparently kerrem shot somebody" my jawn dropped. Keira was just looking at me confused but I couldnt tell her.
"My nigga right der,Say nothing I'll bell you later ak"

"Inna bit g"

And i hung up. She was still looking at me as if was gonna explain.

"What b?"

"You looked shocked,did something happen?"looking dead in my eyes.

"Nah everything is good b" then I started licking my lips and looking towards her and she started to laugh.

"Why you looking at me like dat?"longing out the question.

"Your fucking sexy you know"I didn't even know i was gonna say that it just came out.

"Thank you Desmond once again"then she started laughing again.

I came closer and held her chin to see if her face was still swollen.

"I say you put ice on dat is kinda swollen b"stroking her lips and looking at here eyes then her lips. At this point this is my babes.

"Is my face dat bad ?" Stroking her cheek. Also looking at mans lips then back at me.

I got up and got a little mirror from her makeup table. Then saw i had blood on my shirt so I zipped up my hoodie to cover it up. I gave her the mirror to show her how she looked.
She saw that she looked fucked up then looked at me ,pulled me closer to her and gave me a hug. I don't know why she did but I cannot lie i was loving it.

Everyone that knows me knows that I don't associate myself with girls cause girls get comfy to quick,however with kiera I didn't even mind. I dont know how i was feeling,but she made me feel some type of way.

{ight kooool thats chapter 2 really quick still. Ngl i dont know how to make it interesting so i need some ideas. }
-Debora 💕

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