Chapter 6

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That was the most needed nap ever but I was still feeling like hell. I was tempted to not even go back downstairs but I couldn't risk loosing this job so I pulled myself out of bed changing back into my whites and heading back downstairs. Cody was on the phone to someone in the hallway, I breathed in trying to slip past him, he acted as though I wasn't even there, not even a smile or any acknowledgement of me. Oh well. I didn't need to get myself hung up on someone who clearly thought this little of me. Plus the food was good and I didn't have to pay, best to look on the bright side of it. I pulled out one of my books flicking through to find the recipe I wanted. Pulling out my knife roll from under the counter I set to work on chopping and slicing and dicing. I relaxed and got into my comfort zone of being in the kitchen. Out the corner of my eye I spotted Cody coming in to the room. He'd changed since I'd seen him this morning, he was now in a navy suit with a white shirt and red skinny tie that hung loosely from this neck looking as though it had been pulled loose. He grabbed a water from the fridge, slamming it and walking back out, still not saying a word to me. I was really starting to worry that I'd done something to embarrass myself that I had forgotten about last night. It was starting to form an awkward tension between us and I knew one of us would have to say something eventually. I was so distracted with not only my still messed up head but now the thoughts of what I had done last night that I didn't realise that my finger was in the way of blade. I cried out in pain and the stinging spread through the tip. Cuts and burns were a natural thing to happen in kitchen so I was used to them and headed to the sink to wash away the blood that was starting to drip down my finger.

"Thank you dear," Mrs Lachlan said as I placed her dinner down in front of her. Cody muttered a small thanks as I passed his plate to him. His eyes shot up to me as he noticed the blue plaster wrapped around my finger. I met his gaze which softened as his eyes caught mine. I turned away not wanting to get caught up in his stare. Mia was silently sat poking at her food. I was hoping I could speak to her soon, I wanted to hear all about the university course she'd chosen and what was going on with Damien. She certainly looked as if she had a lot of her mind but did she really want to share any of that with someone who didn't understand the world of the rich. I walked back in to the kitchen and started to make up a bit of staff dinner. Colin had moved in to the spare room in the staff quarters and we'd had a few chats over the meals I'd made us all. But tonight he was not in a chatty mood, he thanked me for the dinner before heading back up to his room so I sat in the kitchen eating mine in silence.

"You remember Poppy right?" I heard Stevie's voice from behind me. I spun round in my chair to see Stevie walking in followed by Angus and another woman behind them. I stood up to greet them, glad that I was starting to feel a bit better and was now able to socialise without wanting to crawl up in a hole. Angus pulled me in to a hug. He was a large guy and immediately smothered me but it was a warm friendly hug.

"Can I get you some tea, coffee, anything to eat?" I asked, wishing that Stevie had given me a heads up to make something. The kitchen was also a mess and I didn't like having guests when it looked like this.

"No were okay, Its only a quick stop," Angus wife replied. In her arms she held a bundle of blankets a little head peeking out the end.

"Had to let Stevie meet our little Russel," Angus said wrapping his arm around the older woman next to him. I didn't realise they were that close. I walked closer to get a clearer view of the new baby. His eyes were screwed up asleep and his little fist was in the air. My heart just melted at the little cutie in her arms. I'd never really thought much about having children, I'd never been with someone who made me even want to think about it but watching Russel form a tiny 'o' with his mouth as he slept made my heart flutter as I could feel myself getting broody.

Angus and his wife stayed for a short while discussing all things baby. Colin came down when he finished his dinner and was clearly interested in the baby or was feeling better as he came and joined in the conversation, getting the best tips from Angus on driving for Lachlans. I started to clean up the kitchen just wishing I could crawl up in bed already. I had to clear up after diner and then I needed to get started on doing some preparation for Mrs Lachlans afternoon tea gathering tomorrow. If I managed to get most of it weighed out today then it meant that I didn't have to get up at a silly time. I quickly made up a sponge cake as well so it could be cooling before I decorated it tomorrow. It was nearing nine when I started to put away the first load from the dishwasher, ready to put on the next load before finishing weighing out some recipes before I could go to bed.

I was startled by the presence of Cody standing in the doorway smirking at me.
"Jesus, do you get a thrill out of scaring me?" I asked trying to catch my breath. He grinned and walked closer to me. I could feel my feet carrying me backwards until I hit the worktop. His eyes never lost mine, his gaze intense and in thought. He placed one of his hands on the work top behind me, I could feel the heat radiating off his body. His hair was damp and he smelt fresh and like soap, it was intoxicating.

"Sorry," He whispered but I was close enough to hear it. His breath was tickling on my forehead. He was a taller than me but it wasn't his height that was intimidating me. Breath, Poppy, Breath. It felt like an eternity that we were stood like this. Him hovering above me in such a close proximity was driving me crazy. So many thoughts were flying round my head.

"No," I whispered to myself. "No," I said louder pulling myself away from him. He shot me a confused look turning to lean against the counter, crossing his arms.

"I have stuff to do," I told him, heading towards the pantry to get some ingredients.

"I can help," He offered. I could barely even look at him as I exited the pantry. He was in a pair of sweatpants and a tight black t shirt. His damp hair was messy and he was smirking as he watched me, a slight dimple forming on his cheek. I was doing everything in my power not to just jump him right now.

"Its okay," I told him weighing out the flour. He shrugged and took a seat at the breakfast bar.

I worked in silence for a while, Cody watched, occasionally trying to start a conversation that I quickly ended. I just wanted to finish and go to bed. I cling filmed the last bowl and pushed it towards the back of the work top before going to grab a cloth. The outside door flung open revealing Mia stumbling in with a bottle of something in her hand.

"Oops," She giggled as she came in, bashing on the door frame as she did. Her eyes were swollen from crying, her hair was messed and the strap of her dress was hanging off her shoulder. She didn't look like the posh and pristine girl I'd seen a few hours ago. Cody quickly rushed to help her in, getting her to sit down at the kitchen table and trying to fight to take the bottle off her. She only held it tighter as her lip started to wobble, more tears forming in her eyes. Cody sat down next to her pulling her closer to him as I awkwardly stood to the side not knowing what to do to help.

"Who do I need to punch M?" He asked as she let out a little sob. She started to cry harder as he pulled her in for a hug stroking her head. I started to back away letting them have their own moment.

"I messed up," She cried.

"Its okay, shh," Cody soothed her. She just started crying even harder. "Hey Poppy, can you help?" I cringed as he'd clearly seen me almost out of the door. I turned back around to take a seat at the breakfast bar.

"You can trust us Mia," I encouraged. I was never good in these sort of situations. She whimpered as she sat up. He eyes were red and puffy and she looked so broken. She unscrewed the almost empty bottle taking a large swig before passing it to Cody who did the same. She wiped her face and took a deep breath before turning to us.

"I slept with him," She admitted before letting more tears roll down her cheeks.

"Who?" I asked leaning forward in surprise.

"Colin," She replied after another deep breath before burying her head in her hands. 

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