Chapter 32

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Mias P.O.V

I was going to miss these pancakes so much, I thought as I put another forkful in my mouth. I was going to miss all of Poppy's cooking. A few months ago I never thought I would of said that I would miss a chef. I'd been with out Cody before and atleast this time he was in the same country. As of now my life was going to be completely different. I was no longer Mia, daughter of the Lachlan family, a rich bitch, I was just university student Mia who just wanted to get her degree. Having Poppy and Cody here had made it a lot easier to move but was also making it a lot harder to say goodbye. I thought that I was a strong and confident person but now I felt weak and anxious. Change was going to be good but it was also scary.

Somehow Cody and Poppy had persuaded me to come to the beach, which I was never a fan of; too much sand. My stomach was in knots as we pulled in to a parking space. I was crammed in the back of Poppy's little mini. Cody opened the door for me as the warmth filled the car. Yesterday had been such a cold and grey day yet today there was sunshine. British weather could be so confusing. My Gucci sliders hit the floor as I slid out the car. Cody wrapped his arm around Poppy as she immediately melted in beside him. They were too sickly sweet. But I was glad they had both found happiness with each other. Cody had gone searching the world for it when all it took was hiring a new chef. The sun was shining down on the waves as we neared the beach. My head kept twitching around in the search of him. It was only as an arm wrapped around my shoulder that I met his gaze. Sunglasses covered his eyes so I couldn't stare in to the pools of blue but I knew he was watching me back. I quickly looked away but even just the way his arm was wrapped around me had feelings rushing back to me. I'd spent so long trying to forget him and block out what I felt but here he was again and all the emotion was bustling around my head. We continued to head further on to the sand my feet sinking in with every step. I tried to put some space between myself and Colin but I could still feel him close. I thought that not seeing him for 2 months was going to be enough space but already being around him was bringing back the memories. The three of them were all happily chatting together whilst I walked alongside them, happy that I was with friends before the stress of the next few years began.

"Idiot," I laughed as Cody took a dive across the sand. Colin had bumped in to a couple friends and they were now playing volleyball on the beach with Cody. It was two against one as I didn't want to get hot or hurt. Colin and Poppy had disappeared to get ice cream and we'd only all met up so they could see each other so I'm sure they were having a good catch up. With my feelings towards Colin I knew I shouldn't be happy about how close they were but I knew it was more of a sibling relationship. I'd been there from the start and I knew I'd be able to see the signs if there had been anything romantic between the two of them plus she was so smitten with Cody that I knew I had nothing to worry about. Not that I was worried about someone liking Colin, I was just so confused about everything. My head was in such a spin. My sun was blocked out as a shadow came to stand in front of me. I looked over the top of my sunglasses to see Colin stood in front of me holding an ice cream towards me. I grinned as I noticed he'd got me a tub and sprinkles, remembering when we'd gone out for an ice cream date back when he was my driver. My heart thumped quickly in my chest as I remembered that precious time we spent together.
"Want to go for a walk?" He asked holding his hand out for me. His sunglasses now rested on the buttons of his shirt. So his blue eyes flooded through me as I stood to his eye level. His hand that hand helped me up wrapped around mine. I instantly felt slightly more complete, it sounded cringey but his touch sent sparks through me. I slipped my kimono on, letting go of his hand and instantly regretting it. We had a history but I was meant to be focusing on myself and not getting distracted but just looking at him had me completely forgetting that university even existed.
"I miss you," Colin said bluntly as we carried on walking side by side. Our hands were both swaying by our sides, I wrapped it around my waist as to not give in to the temptation. I wasn't sure what to tell him, I missed him more than I realised but I was trying to guard myself still. Damien had hurt me and even though I knew Colin was completely different I just wasn't sure how to open myself without the fear of getting hurt. Colin stopped now we were far enough away to be private from the others. His eyes searched mine.
"I hope the uni move was good and everything," he stuttered out. I nodded, my voice stuck in my throat.
"Mia. I really hope it works out for you, that's all I want," he said placing his hands on my arms, instantly sending tingles through them.
"I miss you but all I want is for you to be happy and you're worth the wait, that's if you want me to wait for you. If you think there's still a chance for me somewhere in your future," he said moving his hands down my arms to my hands. His eyes wide with hope.
"There's a chance," I whispered. His hand cupped my cheek.
"That's all I needed to hear," he said placing a kiss on my cheek. He kept his hand in mine as we carried on walking along the beach. My heart ached to tell him how I really felt, how much I wanted to wrap myself up in his arms, to be able to mess around like Cody and Poppy were. The fact he was willing to wait for me made my heart ache even more.
"I miss you too," I muttered, I noticed the smile on his face grow as he heard me.

We spent most of the day at the beach together. It was nice seeing Cody and Poppy being happy together, they really were so cute with each other. And it was good to see Colin with his friends, he was such a joker and I could see how much he appreciated quality time with them. Cody and Colin has both forgive and forgot about the situation at the ball a few weeks ago and they'd all moved forward. It was just me that was struggling to forget about the feelings I had for certain people.
"I'll drive her back to the dorm," Colin offered as Poppy laid her head on Cody's lap.
"She is still here," I said with a laugh. We were all sat around in a circle as the sun started to set behind us. Colin sent a wink my way, sending the butterflies in my stomach fluttering again.
"I don't mind," Poppy said stifling a yawn. I kind of wanted to stay here still and I knew they still had a journey ahead of them. Being here made me feel relaxed and I didn't quite want to face the reality of being back at the dorm yet, then I would be alone and I wasn't ready for that.
"No, go, don't want you falling asleep at the wheel," I told her, after spending the few hours with Colin I was not ready to leave him yet either. Poppy and Cody got up to gather their stuff and I felt a lump grow in my throat that I was going to have to say goodbye. It was only going to be three weeks until I was back home for Graces wedding but that felt like an eternity.
"God I'm going to miss your cooking," I chuckled as I hugged Poppy close.
"I'm going to miss your complaining," she said laughing as she hugged me back. I looked up at my brother, tears welling in my eyes. It brought me back to two years ago when he'd stood in front of me at the airport. I'd lost my gramps and then my brother had ran away, that's why I'd thrown more of myself into my relationship with Damien. He had been there for me and now he was gone too and I was back on my own.
"I'm so proud of you squirt," he said engulfing me in a hug. I held on to him tightly letting a few tears spill out on to his shirt.
"This feels too familiar," I admitted.
"You're the one leaving me this time," he said with a sad smile, "I'm only a phone call away and you know I'll be here in a click of your fingers. But I know you'll be amazing and make us all so proud of you. Make good choices littley. I'm really gonna miss you." I could feel him tense as he tried not to let his emotions show too much.
"I'm going to miss you too," I told him as he placed a kiss on the top of my head.
"Love you."
"Love you too," I let a few more tears fall.
"You better look after him," I called to Poppy as she said her goodbye to Colin.
She nodded as he wrapped his arm around her. Cody and Colin did a typical male hug before waving goodbye as they headed off towards the car. Even if I felt like a part of me was here with Colin, part of me was now being taken away as they left. I could feel Colin's presence next to me as I watched them grow smaller and smaller. His hand took mine in comfort and he squeezed gently as they were lost from sight.

"So I guess this is goodbye again," Colin said as we reached the room to my dorm. Not long after Cody and Poppy had left I was ready to leave too. My mind was racing too fast to focus on anything else once they'd gone but Colin understood and happily drove me back to the dorm, insisting on walking me all the way to the door.
"I guess so," I said twirling my keys around my fingers.
"I've enjoyed seeing you again," he said with a small smile. Say something Mia, say anything. Tell him to stay, tell him you at least want to see him again.
"Well good luck," he said turning to leave. I reached out to grab his arm. He turned his blue eyes shining in to mine.
"Mia?" He asked softly, raising his eyebrow at my touch. My grasp was frozen on his arm, i didn't want him to leave. He turned his body back to face me, his Adam's apple bobbing as he gulped. He brushed away a strand of hair as my hand still remain clenched around him.
"You're going to be okay love," he said, his fingers dancing along my cheek. I closed my eyes, enjoying his touch and trying to hide myself from his intense gaze. My breathing became heavier as I felt him even closer.
"My boss is at a meeting about twenty minutes away. Meet me for lunch?" He whispered in to my ear making my stomach soar. I had always been so confident and witty around everyone but with the new surroundings and situation, I had no words to say, my breath caught in my throat. I swallowed opening my eyes to meet his.
"I'd love to," I told him. He leant forward slightly again placing another kiss on my cheek before whispering a goodnight and that he would text me details before doing a happy skip down the corridor making me chuckle before I disappeared in to the dorm room, my cheek still tingling and my insides excited for seeing him again. I hoped that even if we could just be friends having Colin would make this move smoother.

A/N: So what do you think of Mias POV? I thought I'd try something different to give you what she was thinking? How do you find Mia and Colin? Is there anything you'd like to see more of? I'd love to hear what you think. Thank you for reading.

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