Chapter 39

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"You sure you need to go," I sighed fiddling with the zip on Cody's backpack.
"Yes baby girl, I'll be back soon though," he said leaning down to kiss my forehead. I knew I was being clingy but I hoped it wasn't too needy.
"You'll call me when you land?" I asked.
"I'll call you the second the plane hits the runway," he said with a chuckle.
"Fine," I said laying my head back on the bed.
"Four days," he said zipping up his bag.
"Then you're only back for a day and a bit until you go away again for a week," I said pouting.
"I know. It sucks," he said moving his bag off the bed to sit beside me.
"I'll take you out when I get back," he said laying down. "Just you and me."
"I'd love that," I resting my head on his shoulder.
"Angus is going to be here any minute," he said sighing and resting his head against mine.
"I love you," I whispered, still not quite used to saying it out loud even though it had been almost two weeks.
"I love you too," he said rolling so he was hovering on top of me. He wiggled his eyebrows and winked at our position.
"You've got a plane to catch," I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck keeping him close to me. I smelt the fresh clean shower smell as I played with the hair at the nape of his neck.
"Four days," he whispered resting his face in the crook of my neck feeling the warmth of his breath against it. I shuddered as it tickled when he placed a small kiss there.
"Four days," I replied back softly as he moved his head up to meet my eyes. I gave him a sad smile before his lips met mine in a sweet and gentle kiss, knowing neither of us would let each other go if things got more heated than that. He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear before sitting back and swinging his feet off the bed.
"I'll try to FaceTime you tonight," he said before standing up and grabbing his backpack. His suitcase was already in the car he just had to bring his things for the flight.
"Okay," I said standing up next to him. He wrapped his arms around me resting his chin on my head.
"I love you Poppy," he said pulling back with a grin.
"I love you too Cody," I replied. We stayed like that for a moment before we both knew it was time for him to go.

"Argh," I groaned, my arm aching from the constant stirring. I was making choux pastry and it was painful having to try cook out the mix. I kept trying to swap arms but my left arm was so weak I just ended up making a mess. The tablet buzzed from beside me lighting up a picture of Cody's face. I used my spare hand to answer the call whilst keeping the mixture going.
"29 hours baby girl," he greeted with a smile. A tie hung loosely round his neck and his hair was scruffed about that showed he'd been running his hands through it. I could tell he was stressed, like he'd been the last few days, but he also looked ridiculously handsome.
"Hey you," I replied in greeting watching as he leant forward on his arms.
"What you doing?" He asked curiously.
"Profiteroles." I replied as I checked the mixture, relieved that it was finally done. Taking it out the pan and spreading it on the cool surface I could finally turn my attention to Cody.
"All yours now," I told him, knowing that he would probably only have ten minutes until he had to get back to work. He wasn't as far away as New York this time, which made things easier, although he was going to America on his next trip. This time he was in Ireland but again he'd barely had anytime to himself, just constantly working. A beautiful bunch of flowers had arrived the first morning after Cody had left, I admired them as I sat myself and my freshly made cup of tea down at the table.
"I persuaded mum to take father out to some art gallery the night of the full day When I'm back so we can have the whole night together," a grin spread over both of our faces as we looked forward to a night of just the two of us together. With both of us being busy and all the other events Cody was expected to attend it had been a while since we'd gone out on a night just the two of us. I watched as Cody's eyes darted to someone off screen.
"Really already?" He asked them. I sank in my seat knowing it was already time for him to go again. He argued about time with the person before giving in and facing the screen again with a sad smile.
"Sorry Pop. Duty Calls, I'll call you once I'm back to the hotel if you're still awake?" I nodded hoping that I would be able to stay up long enough, it had yet to happen.
"Talk soon. Love you Pop," he said with a wink.
"Love you too loser," I laughed causing him to pout before he closed the chat. I sighed and looked at the now empty screen. 29 more hours.

Laying my feet out on the chair next to me to rest them just for a minute or two whilst I finished my tea I flicked through my phone. Checking social media, looking at other peoples lives that I didn't really know or care about anymore. Sent Colin a message to catch up soon. He was now official with Mia and I was happy for the two of them but it was even harder trying to stay in touch with him now he had a girlfriend. I replied to an email from my mother, knowing that I really should go see her soon. Before letting out a big sigh before putting my phone down on the side and holding the last remains of my drink to my chest, tucking my knees in closer. I might be here with the Lachlan family and have friends and my own family but I still felt alone. I wasn't sure if it was Cody being away or if I was finally starting to feel homesick but all I wanted to do was hide under the covers and have a good cry. It was as though she could hear my upset thoughts cause at that moment Mrs Lachlan entered the room. I tried to straighten myself up and get back to work as she took in the sight of me cradling my mug but I felt as though it was too late.
"Them being away gets easier," she said as she leant against the counter whilst I set to making her a drink. I turned to face her with a sad smile as I let the kettle boil again.
"Stewart used to go away for weeks at a time and when we first got together there was no FaceTime. He would call at ungodly hours of the morning," she said with a distant look on her face before she smiled at the memory. I turned back to the kettle not wanting to intrude on her private thoughts.
"It was the same when Cody left. For the first few months I barely slept," she began, I wasn't sure why she was opening up like this to me but for some reason it was nice.
"I knew he was a grown up and could do whatever he wanted but to loose my father and then have my son disappear Poppy was pretty hard for anyone." I wasn't sure if I was supposed to comfort her. I nodded as I passed her the China cup. She took a small sip before turning her attention back to me.
"He May of been my own son but even I knew the reputation he had." I looked away, not wanting to hear too much about Cody's past, he'd told me how many people he'd slept with and it wasn't as bad as it could of been. "I worried about him everyday he was away, wishing that he'd just come home." Mrs Lachlan's stories seemed very tangled and I was getting confused at where she was going with it.
"I worry every time he goes out on a work trip that he won't come back again for months like he did before. He never said goodbye last time. The day after my fathers funeral he packed a bag and went. We got a call a few days later saying that he was in Singapore with an old friend and didn't know when he'd be back. He would call maybe once every couple of months and we'd beg him to come home. But now he seems to want to come home faster. He has something to come home to. Eventually missing them becomes something you learn to deal with and it works cause one day you know the trips will end and then you're left with someone you can get through anything with."

Giving me a small smile, Mrs Lachlan turned and walked out the door. I leant back against the counter trying to process all the confusion she had just told me. Before giving up and returning to finish making my profiteroles.

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