Chapter 47 *mature warning*

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Cody's P.O.V

Just when I thought she couldn't get any more mind blowing here she stands. My morning at work had been another bag of shitballs but seeing her made me forget it all. I knew she was helping out with Mia but I didn't expect to find her looking like that. The dress was incredible and I was going to make sure she wore it to something even if I knew I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off her if she did. Lace covered her in all the right places and the large split that went up to her thigh made me hold back a groan. I noticed Mia whisper something to her causing her cheeks to flush pink. She was so adorable. I sent her a wink before taking a seat on the sofa. The stylist carried on fussing over the girls whilst I leant my head back against the back of the chair. It was all getting a bit much. I tried not to let Mia and Poppy see just how bad it was but I knew Pop could see straight through me and I didn't want to keep secrets from her. Unfortunately Poppy disappeared back behind a screen and when she came back out she was back in jeans and a T-shirt. Not that she didn't look beautiful, she always did, but that dress made my heart beat faster than I ever thought possible. She took a seat beside me tucking her feet underneath her and laying against my open arm.
"There are no words for how incredible you looked," I whispered to her causing her to hide her face against my chest. We sat for a little while watching as my now way too grown up sister tried on dresses. She was growing up way too quickly but she was making me proud. When all I felt like I was doing was letting everyone down. I'd messed up and I was trying my best to fix things but nothing seemed to be working. I didn't want to go down the path I'd been on before but I was worried.

Pressing confirm I leant back in my chair and grinned. I knew she was going to be pissed that I'd spent money on her and surprised her with something that she knew cost something but I didn't care. I wanted to show her how much I appreciated her support. We'd only known each other for about six months and only been dating for three but she was still standing by my side every day no matter how stressed out I was getting it gave me relief to know I had her by my side. I loved her. I knew that getting away, even if it was just for the night was exactly what the two of us needed. I had so many family commitments coming up that I knew she would be out of her comfort zone or I wouldn't be able to see her at all. Will kept her company whilst I had to schmooze the others but I knew she found them awkward. It was part of my lifestyle though. If I wanted the job and the money from father then he wanted me to attend these events. I would love to still be out travelling the world but father needed me home so that's my place now. Using my desk chair to wheel myself over to the small fridge that had been installed in my office I grabbed my lunch out. I had an assistant that could sort it out but I didn't want anyone to accidentally ruin Poppy's food. Putting it in the microwave I waited and pulled off a crumb of the lemon muffin she made and poured myself another coffee. Wheeling myself back across the office I checked my personal phone replying to messages from Will, being a weird one, my sister letting me know she'd got back to university grounds and Poppy asking if I'd rather have bread and butter pudding or caramelised bananas. I knew whichever she made would be delicious but bread and butter pudding was one of my favourites. By the time I'd replied the microwave beeped so I wheeled myself back to it. My office now smelling heavenly. I quickly checked the time that I had an hour until I had to go off to another meeting. It might be a law firm but most of the time I didn't have anything to do with the law side of it. I just dealt with customer relations and making sure we were making money and keeping our reputation. I was all about the business really. With father now taking less of a role in the company I found I was taking on more and more new jobs.

"Honey I'm home," I laughed walking in to the kitchen. The smell was divine as always. I leant against the doorframe for a moment just watching as Poppy glided effortlessly round the kitchen before turning and flashing me a small smile and then turning back to her work. We might of only been together a small amount of time but even just her smile brought a bit more sunshine in to my life. I knew I was completely soppy and absolutely whipped but who cares. I'd been the guy to not let girls how I feel, to not let anyone know how I felt about them and my gramps passed away not knowing how much I admired him and ever since then, even on my travels I aimed to tell everyone how amazing I thought them to be. I knew one day I'd like to say 'honey I'm home' maybe in our own house together but I knew that was still in the distance but it was nice to dream about.
"Right I'm all yours for," she began before checking her watch and scanning her eyes around the kitchen, "20 minutes." Her hair was falling out around her face from her ponytail and her whites had mysterious stains on them. I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively at her, sending her a little wink too as she laughed and hit me in the chest playfully. Today hadn't been too tough of a day and I'd had a session with my personal trainer this afternoon so I was feeling a bit more myself. Giving Poppy a grin I lifted her in to my arms, one arm under her knees and the other around her waist.
"Cody, put me down," she demanded but laughing at the same time. I shook my head before walking off through the house, Poppy still in my arms.

"I could of just walked," she said as I finally placed her on my bed. It had been okay getting through the hallway, Stevie had swiftly moved out the way when she saw us coming. Getting up the stairs was the issue.
"Where's the fun in that?" I asked laying down beside her wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her closer to me.
"Good day?" She asked, her face hovering close to mine. I shrugged, I didn't want to talk about my day when she was this close to me. I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, getting to see her face more clearly. The corner of her mouth pulled up into a little smile. I left my hand my hand resting on the side of her face and my other went under her jacket, feeling the warm skin of her back against my hand. Her hand rested on my chest, feeling as my heart beat fastened for her. Closing the distance I pressed my lips against hers, slowly and gently at first and then harder and faster as I let out my frustrations and stress from the week. Her hands tangled in my hair and I nibbled down on her lip causing her to let out a little whimper. My hands gripped harder on her hips pulling her even closer to me.
"I only have like 10 minutes," she groaned pulling away. Her lips were red and even more kissable than I thought possible. She was breathing heavily but I could tell her eyes had that look in them.
"Better be quick then," I chuckled rolling myself over to hover above her. She grinned up at me, looking at me through her eyelashes making me barely control myself. One hand supported myself from falling on top of her whilst the other rubbed her hip bone. My lips joined hers again as he hands started unbuttoning my shirt. I was glad that I'd removed my tie on the way home. Maybe if we'd had more time it could of come in handy but we didn't. I pulled the now unbuttoned shirt off my shoulders before being able to open her whites with one pull on it. I would never get used to seeing how beautiful she is. My eyes roamed hungrily over her body as she did the same to me. My lips attached to her collarbone loving how every time I found another part of her body to love and explore.
"Not. Enough. Time." She moaned. I wanted to tell her how much to forget about her job and the food and let me appreciate her and make her feel good but I thought that could ruin the mood so the rest of our clothes were quickly shed. Stopping for just a moment to place a gentle kiss against her lips whispering an "I love you," before entering her carefully. Once she'd adjusted I began getting harder and faster, letting out my emotions. The annoyance, the distress, the late nights but the love and passion that I for the girl that was whimpering beneath me.
"Fuck Cody," she moaned softly. She encouraged me even more as her hands ran down my back gripping me closer to her. Soon we were both moaning out each other's name as we finished together.
"I better check on dinner," she breathed heavily as I laid beside her not making any effort to move.
"Mhmm," I nodded resting my head against hers as we both panted heavily. She waited a moment before placing a kiss on my cheek and turning to get up.
"You're beautiful," I told her as she started quickly putting her clothes back on. She rolled her eyes as she finished doing up her jacket.
"I'll see you in twenty," She said with a wink before disappearing out the door. I sighed laughing my head back against the pillow. I loved that girl.

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