Chapter 16

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The next few days were too busy to worry about how Colin was settling in. We'd texted a few times and he'd let me know he was roughly an hour away and sharing a flat with an old friend that lived in the area. Me and Angus were talking more but it wasn't the same as having Colin around. But both of us with our hetics lives had barely spoken as well as how I hadn't spoken to Cody. I didn't want to sound silly and say that he was ignoring me but he always managed to get in and take his lunch a lot quicker or when I wasn't even in the room. But with all the preparations for Mias birthday I barely had time to notice. Most of the furniture and decorations were arriving today to be set up before the party on Saturday. Everything would have to be ready for guests to start arriving at midday, which even with all the event staff,all hands would have to be on deck. I had plenty of jobs that I had to get done today in order for everything tommorow to go smoothly. Mia was starting to show more and more of her rich girl side and was starting to get dramatic and demand everything. Both Stevie and I had already had to calm her down a couple of times. I think the tension of starting university soon and the lack of Colin was getting to her too. There were constant people coming in and out of the kitchen that I had to make sure were correctly watered and fed as well as all my usual jobs. Plus I was hoping to get this date sorted out for Cody once this weekend was over so I had many different things buzzing round in my mind at once and it was wearing me out.

The place was still a buzz as I served the Lachlan's dinner, both Mia and Mrs Lachlan were chatting away excitedly whilst Mr Lachlan was tapping away at his phone and Cody was happily tucking in to his dinner. I made sure they were all full and happy before heading back in to the kitchen to sort out mine and the other staffs dinner. Pulling the rest of the chicken out the oven and then plating up the vegetables I sat down to tuck in to mine making a mental list of all the things I still needed to get done, looked like it was going to be a late night and an early morning. Stevie and Marie came to eat their dinners then promptly left again. Stevie was just as busy as I was with trying to get the party all sorted and keeping control of all the different people that were going through the house. I finished my dinner and put the dishwasher on before getting the birthday cake out of the fridge.
"You got your outfit ready then?" Cody asked from the doorway startling me as usual. I shot him a confused look as I started to roll out the fondant for the final layer.
"For Mias party, she said she was hoping you were going to be able to make it for a bit," he said coming to lean on the counter closer to me.
"Oh no, I'll be too busy in here to be able to so I'm just going to leave it, I've got her present and everything but I'm not really one for parties," I told him as I delicately tried to place the fondant over the cake. My hands were more shakey than usual due to Cody's close proximity but I still managed to get it on without ripping it.
"Come on, it'll be fun," Cody begged. I know it sounds judging but I just don't think they'll be my sort of people and I would just much rather make sure everything runs smoothly in the kitchen and that I can get myself cleaned down for the morning. "You know I won't take no for an answer," Cody whispered in my ear before whisking back out of the kitchen. I let out a shiver, why did he have to have such an affect on me, before going to get the other layer of cake finished. Then all I had to do was add my decorations and that would be the cake down. Atleast Mia hadn't made it too over complicated, it was a vanilla sponge with a strawberry buttercream and the decoration was full of bunting and music and glitter, lots and lots of glitter. I had a feeling that after tommorow we would be cleaning up glitter for weeks.

After another hour or so in the kitchen I knew I had to get some sleep due to being up early again in the morning, Mia had hired some team to help with the finishing and serving of the food but I knew I still had a lot of work to do. I knew that I should probably shower but all I wanted to do was sleep so as I opened the door I got ready to just crash straight out on the bed but was stopped by a small box sat on the top. It wasn't my birthday so why did I have a present? Maybe it was Mias and someone was just hiding it here. I pulled off the lid to reveal a single flower sat on top of a pile of tissue paper and a note.
Poppy, I got Mia to choose you an outfit just in case you change your mind. Cody x
I smiled to myself as I delicately unwrapped the tissue paper to reveal a beautiful white boho style dress. It was off the shoulder and was covered in lace and perfect for the festival theme. If Cody had gone and got an outfit sorted for me I suppose it would be rude of me not to turn up tomorrow. That meant I really had to get all the work done quickly. I still had Mias actually birthday cake to decorate too. Mia's birthday technically wasn't till Sunday but she preferred to spend her birthday with family so she had to have a separate cake for that occasion. I wrapped her present ready just in case and headed off to bed to make sure I got an even earlier start, tomorrow was going to be a busy day.

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