Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Let's Talk About All Those Things We Shouldn't Talk About

Ramona POV

"Hey, Jackson." I say, fully recovered from my minor panic attack. Now, I have one thought running through my head: How the hell am I supposed to talk to Jax like how we normally do anymore? I mean, at least I have decided that he's more like my brother than anything else, so we will not work together. If what we overheard the guys saying is correct, than yay! Neither of us like each other! The kiss may need to be talked about later. When we're 100, we can talk about and laugh. Until then, none of the awkwardness could be fixed by even Joey, Jesse, Danny, Becky, Tommy, or anyone else we know.

"So, should we just like forget that ever happened, or should we discuss the vibe?" Jackson says, slightly blushing.

"I think that it'd be a good idea to discuss this vibe. Now, why did I hear you say that you like me as more than a sister?" I say, putting it all on the table. I want those answers, and so help me god, I'm going to get them by the end of this conversation.

"It was an after kiss thing. Don't worry; I've been cured of that little crush and it's back to you being my sister." Jax says. Yay! Neither of us like the other! My day has been saved! Scratch that, my LIFE has been saved!

"Thank God! No offense, Jacksito, but us as a couple is laughable. Besides, I thought you and Rocki were still together?" I say, having a feeling of CRAP OMG WHAT DID JUST DO instantly.

"Um, well, you see, I didn't tell you this already? Coulda sworn I did, but guess I forgot. Anyways, you know how last week I was sad and stuff, and spent a lot of time in my room? Well, that was because Rocki may have broken up with me. I'm still sad about it, but you're the first person to bring her up in a while. Obviously, my mom hates her mom, and thinks Rocki's a bad influence, but she still understood that I liked her and that she was the first person for me to seriously like since Lola. So, yeah. That's my sob story of last week." Jackson says, causing my eyes to brim with tears and him to start crying.

Looking at Jax, I can see the signs I missed, and now it's my turn to comfort him again. Wiping the tears from his eyes as they fall, I say to him, "Oh, Jax. I'm so sorry. I never knew that that happened. But just like you moved on from Lola, you'll move on from Rocki and find an even better crush/girlfriend. You know I'm always here for you, right?"

"Yeah, I do. Thanks, Ramona. I really needed that. Now, should I try to collect myself and move on like a normal human, or should I just stay here and grieve the loss of my second girlfriend?" Jackson says, wiping the last few tears from his eyes.

"Well, going out may not be a good idea... What did DJ want earlier?" I say, realizing that we never found out what it was she needed us for.

 "I have no clue, Ramona. All I know is that it started a series of unfortunate events we all had to endure today. Let's go ask her, and after that, we can let the others out of Mom's room. You go first," Jackson says, pretending to be a gentleman.

"Works for me, Jacksito. DJ!" I yell while walking down the stairs to summon her. "I hope she isn't busy right now." I say.

"What, Ramona?" DJ says, entering the living room from the kitchen with Steve by her side. Steve has a carrot in his hand that's halfway finished.

"We were just curious, what did you need us for earlier when Jackson here broke his wrist?" I say, confused on several things: why is DJ and Steve staring at us with weird eyes, why does Jax look so uncomfortable, and why am I the only sane one that's here right now. Voicing my concern, I say, "Why are you guys all staring at me funny and why does Jackson look so uncomfortable?"

"Earlier, when I called you, that was because I have a surprise. When Kimmy, Steph, and the boys return home, I'll tell you all at once. What do you mean, staring at you funny?" DJ says, slightly confusing me. After all, Jackson is still blushing, DJ and Steve are still staring at both of us like they think there's something going on, and on top of all that, NO ONE CAN KEEP A STRAIGHT FACE. Whatever they're not saying must be really good if they are doing this.

"Fine. Okay, let us know when we have to come back down for the dinner then. Let's go back upstairs, Jackson." I say, leading upstairs and shouting into DJ's room, "You guys can come back into my bedroom now."

"Finally. Oh, and we all know what happened in Ramona's room with the guys. BTW, we all presume that he told you his feelings and now you two are together, right?" Sky says, and Ben is nodding along with everything she says. Those two really should be dating...

"He told me that he used to like me, for a minute or two after the kiss, but doesn't anymore. Oh, and DJ has a surprise for Jackson and I when the others get home." I say, catching them up on what happened.

"Huh? That literally makes no sense after what I heard earlier, but whatever." Ben says, staring at Sky. I wanna set them up so bad!!!! Their ship name could be Sen. Okay, that's a really bad ship name, but you get the point.

"Hey, it's 5 o'clock. Shouldn't you guys be leaving soon so you can get back home on time?" I hear someone say behind me in a low voice. Turning around, I see that it's just Jackson, coming up the stairs 5 minutes after me. That's weird. How long does it take to get up the stairs with a broken wrist? I think, smiling at him.

"Yeah, Jax is right. Besides that, I think everyone else is gonna be here in a minute. So, we'll FaceTime you guys later, ok?" I say, worried that they say they won't be able to FaceTime later.

"Fine by me. You guys wanna com over to my place?" Alex says to the others.

"Sure. I'm down." they all say at once. "JINX!!!!" Ben says, and now the others have to be silent.

"Bye guys. talk to you later. Let's try to hang out tomorrow, ok?" I say, and we all start hugging; Jax and I end up in the middle, hugging both each other and the rest of us.

"Ramona, Jackson, come down here- without breaking a wrist this time preferably." DJ shouts up the stairs.

"You got it, dude." Jackson and I say at the same time. "JINX!" I yell, so Jackson has to stay silent.

"Okay, so kids...." 


*evil laugh* PLOT TWIST COMING UP!!!!! 

How good was this chapter? 

Sorry for not updating, just been super busy with end of year stuff at school. 

ALSO, I AM AMAZING FOR THINKING ABOUT THAT AND PUTTING THE SURPRISE THING IN MY NOTES TO REMEMBER!!!!!! (Don't worry, I won't torture you for too much longer. Maybe a couple of days.)

This is a reallyy short chapter, just 1260 words. Normally, mine reach the 2,000s. 

I'm done typing, so...






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