Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: I Don't Play By The Rules Of This Game

Ramona POV

Taken by surprise, I almost topple over. Luckily, Sky catches me right before I do. "Thanks, Sky." I say.

"No problem. Now, are you going to answer Jackson's question? Or are we just going to stand here for all eternity, waiting for an answer?" my very imaginative friend says. At any other time, I would laugh and reply sarcastically, but not now. Not when I have been faced with the most important question in my life.

"Kids, let's go! I have to get Tommy from daycare and then help Kimmy set up at the Pearson's party." Steph yells, jolting me from my temporary catatonic state.

Walking over to the bag, I mutter, "Thank God," under my breath. Jax slowly stands up and, with an unreadable expression on his face, walks over to the bag. Determined not to speak to him until I have my answer, I put on my dress and follow my unbiological aunt to the car, waving good-bye to my friends.

"What's up with you two? I haven't heard a syllable out of anyone." Aunt Steph says, nearing Tommy's daycare. She, clearly, didn't hear or see what Jackson did, otherwise, DJ and Kimmy would be on the phone right now, screaming along with her.

Refusing to meet Jacksito's eyes, I say, "You wanna tell her?" After all, things are going to be very awkward around the house now.

"Fine. I asked out Ramona and she hasn't answered me yet, which is presumably the reason she isn't talking to me." he says, trying to meet my eye.

"Wait, what? Ramona, why won't you talk to Jackson?" Steph says, not at all surprising me.

"Because... I don't know what to say or do anymore around him. First the kiss and then this, it's as if he's been lying to me after all this time." I say, finally meeting her eyes.

I've had a growing crush- emphasis on the growing- for a few months on him, and I guess that no one really knows about it. If someone does, they would've had to read my locked apps notes. Not even Jax knows the password to that.


Jackson POV

"How is it like that? All I did was express my emotions, Ramona." I say as we pull up to the parking lot of Tommy's daycare.

"I take it you two want to hang back here while I go get Tommy?" Aunt Steph says, already leaving the car.

"It's exactly like that, Jackson! Don't you get it? Yesterday, when you told me that what I heard was wrong? The part about you liking me? Or two weeks ago, when we were hanging out with all of the guys, and you said no, you don't like me? Or even last month, when you said that dating me makes you wanna hurl? I thought our friendship was one of complete honesty, but either I was wrong or in guy time a day is a long time!" Ramona yells while an embarrassed Aunt Steph hurriedly closes the door behind her.

Wow. I never knew that she remembered all of this. Wait, why does she remember this to begin with?

"Ramona, why do you remember this? Actually, how do you remember this?" I say, taken aback by her yelling.

"I just figured out all of the times we saw our friends, and yesterday will be etched in my brain forever." she says, not yelling anymore.

"Good point. Anyways, to answer your questions, I was kinda scared to tell you. I mean, come on. We've always said we'll never be a couple; never be a stereotype like that. Yet, I like you. A lot. Ramona, do you like me?" I say, putting it all on the line.


Ramona POV

Yes, Jax. I do like you. I just can't say it right now for some reason, so instead I said, "As a friend, or as... more?" Why am I such an idiot?

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