Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: This Is Our Summer, This Is Our Song

Jackson POV
"Ramona, please go see your parents. We need a lawyer, and if they don't get us one, we'll have to use our personal lawyers, and you know how I feel about using my mom's lawyer." I say, putting the ice to my nose. Hurts like hell, but it was worth it for making fun of Ramona, and, to an extent, Rocki. Truth is, I was soon going to break up with her, because my intuition told me that something just wasn't right.

"We sound like legally challenged adults when you put it like that, babe, but I'll go see if we can get a criminal lawyer for our case, which we need to have, now that Sky volunteered a court case." she says, sighing. A black eye is starting to appear, and I don't want her to go through the pain of dealing with that.

"Thank you. In the meantime, I need to get a picture of that eye, you need a picture of my nose, and we need Maria to join us in the case." I say, actually sounding like a lawyer.

"But, I'm only going if you go with me- and we first tell Fernando that we're dating. He should hear it from me, not Kimmy, or through the grapevine." Ramona says, giving me a hug.

"Fine. This'll be fun, not. I get to get chewed up and spit out by Fernando Guerrero. Truthfully, I want to see how he reacts." I say sarcastically.

"You're sweet for pretending to care, Jax. Thank you for that, but we better go now." she says, pulling me up out of the chair.

"The love." I joke, trying not to fall over from her speed. "Ramona, slow down. I understand you're in a hurry, but you have to move at a pace I can keep up with."

"Then move your legs faster, babe. I'm not trying to hold you back from anything, and want to get this over with before Fernando comes over here, demanding to know why we're dating."

"Fine, I'll move my legs faster to my doom, even though I've already met your dad and know that he likes me."

"Thank you, Jacksito. Speaking of which, look who I just found over here with Tommy, Papa." she says, slowing down.

"Hola, Ramona. Tommy was just hearing about how you never get into a fight, like you kids did. So, what brings Jackson and you over to me?" he says, smiling.

"Well, I don't know if you've heard yet, but Jackson and I are dating, and wanted to tell you that, so yeah. That's all, Tommy, wanna go jump super high?" Ramona says, smiling.

"I've been waiting years to hear those words, Ramona. It was expected that, at one time or another, you two would engage in a relationship- romantically. Just use your brain, or gut, that thing can't lie, and have fun." Fernando says, laughing. I guess that I got a good reaction, though that is not exactly the one I presumed would happen.

"Well, that's good, but not the only reason we came over to you... When we were in that fight with Trey and walking him out the door, Sky may have threatened him with a lawsuit, so we may need to get a lawyer for a case on kissing a twelve-year-old and beating up a bunch of teenagers." I say, calm now.

"You children are the weirdest I've ever met, threatening other teenagers with lawsuits, but I'll get a lawyer. Before I hire one though, you need to understand that you will have to behave like perfect little angels and spend the entire summer, even the Disney trip, here, talking to lawyers in fancy clothes." he says, exasperated.

"Good point, but we, legally, can't sue him for any of those things, can we?" Ramona says, before everyone around us starts talking in legal mumbo jumbo.

"Babe, you do know that you should be a lawyer, solely based on the fact that you understand what you're saying right now, because even I haven't a clue what the hell is going on here." I say, pulling her away from the boring conversation.

"Well, maybe I will be a lawyer, Jax. You never know. And no one expects you to understand our legal talk, after all, you're 15." she says, not moving.

"So are you, Ramona. Let's go be 15, and jump like crazy people on drugs on oversized, and overpriced trampolines." I say, imitating Trey for the last part.

"Nice imitation. Turns out, you have a little Joey in you after all. But fine, I'll humor you by jumping on trampolines when I could be getting an internship." Ramona says, giving in for once in her life.

"Thank you, babe. Shall we bring Tommy with us, so he can go jump like the big kids, or no and just leave him here?" I say, smiling at the little child sitting next to me.

"I don't know, what about that trampoline date you were taking me on? It's a very tempting, once in a lifetime opportunity, Jax. How about Tommy joins us in a little bit and hangs out with Aria while we go jump?" she says, smiling as she intertwines our hands.

"Yay! I get to hang out with Arianna! If you'll excuse me, I have a date to get to. Make way for the cutest Fuller." Tommy says, sassily.

"Tommy, the cutest Fuller is clearly your older brother, Jackson Michael Fuller. How have you not realized this yet, young one?" I say sarcastically.

"Because it's a lie. Mommy told me that I'm her favorite child, and, let's be honest, why would she lie?" he says, not realizing that's a lie.

"Bud, she tells everyone that they're her favorite kid. She told me, Max, Ramona, Pamela, and probably Joey that we're her favorite child." I say, studying his face.

"Joey's 55-ish and wears Bullwinkle pajamas, boo. No one would consider him a child. And Mommy would never lie to me, not in a million years." Tommy says.

"Yes she would, little Demi Lovato. Yes she would. She's told you about Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy, etcetera." Ramona says, laughing.

"Who's Demi Lovato and was that a compliment? Besides, Santa's real, along with all the other people you mentioned. You clearly need to be a little child again. It's a magical time." he says, and by now both Ramona and I are doubling over with laughter. Fernando's chuckling a bit, probably reminiscing about when she was a little child.

"I think we just got into an argument with a three year old, and no longer find this situation funny, so let's get to that date, shall we?" I say to Ramona, linking our arms.

"Do not try any funny business, misters! And how are little children made?" Tommy shouts, smiling.

"Papa, I trust you have this one under control. If you'll excuse us, we have a date to get to. Have fun." Ramona sings, laughing her head off. With Tommy being almost four, the talk is not appropriate at all.

"How much you wanna bet that this summer, we decide not to sue, and everyone starts freaking out? Though Trey, isn't he like 20? It's illegal for him to kiss- oh crap, now Maria has to sue, that's illegal." I say as we walk over to the fancy trampoline.

"You're right, and now I'm sad. Why does life have to be so complicated? Can't teenage boys have this thing called common sense?" she says, frowning.

"Hey, let's just forget about it for now, okay? No one's going to kill us for having common sense, which I'm aware is a rarity these days. Please, let's just have fun today. At least attempt a drama free remainder of the day." I say, even though that won't happen.

"I'll try, but you know as well as I that that won't happen." Ramona says, shaking her head.


So, I'm going to start updating more frequently, but with shorter updates (in other words, normal fan fiction length), so comment things you want to happen, as they will probably end up happening! 

Thank you to those still reading this story, besides me. To be honest, I just fly by the seat of my pants when writing these, no notes at all, because even I don't know what'll happen next and can't spoil anything that way! 

On another note, another chapter idea I've been playing around with while they're in Florida (I know, planning is overrated, but whatever) is a group chat chapter. Tell me your thoughts about that in the comments!

On that note, see you soon, readers!



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