Chapter 31

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*One Week Time Skip*

Ramona POV

So Jackson's Aunt Michelle has decided to move in, making this house even more chaotic and cramped than before, which is saying something. Apparently, her fashion empire moved to San Fransisco. (A decision she claims to have no part in, which is a lie.)

And since she moved in, we've all been getting along well. I mean, no one's gotten into any fights with exes, it's almost like we're normal. Normal's overrated. No one likes normal. 

Lucky for us, we're going to Disney tomorrow, and the squad is coming because we could all use a vacation and Kimmy accidentally booked a few extra rooms that we don't need.

"Did you two get your stuff?" Fernando asks Jax and I before he loads it into the car. I have five bags, which are all stuffed full. 

"Yep," we say, before Fernando takes them downstairs, complaining the whole time. My dad is so weird.

"So, babe, you excited about tomorrow?" he asks, and I smile at him widely. It's my first time on a plane since we went to Japan, and we're flying first class because Fernando's a famous race car driver.

"Duh. I'm more excited, however, that when we get back, I'll be sixteen," I joke, and a smile appears on my boyfriend's face.

"Well, that is an upside to everyone's lives, that you'll be sixteen," he jokes back, and I smirk. 

"You two need to stop being so cute before I hurl," Aria says, rolling her eyes. I forgot she was in here for a minute.

"Yeah, Jamona can't be cuter than Baria," Ben says and I lightly slap him on the arm. "That hurt, Mona."

"Yeah right. Even you're big enough that it doesn't bug you that much," I say, smiling.

"Jackson, your girlfriend has gotten weirder this week," Sky says and I roll my eyes at her. Apparently, spending a week in bed, watching Netflix with my friends and boyfriend is weird. I don't know why.

"No, just lazier. She literally got Uber Eats for Starbucks yesterday, and I had to beg her to go to the mall with me," Jacksito says, smirking. That is true; I wanted to be very lazy.

"Coming from the girl that didn't know that Starbucks was on Uber Eats a week ago, I'm terrified," Aria fake shudders as I laugh.

"You are so extra, Aria. Have I ever told you that?" I say, resting my head on Jackson's shoulder.

"They're spreading cooties again, Tommy. Your brother must have it bad for Ramona, huh? Are you ever gonna get a girlfriend and be that sickeningly cute?" Sky asks Tommy when he comes in the room.

"Yeah; he clearly has it bad for Ramona, has for a while now. Besides, they got their cooties shots before they started dating, so the general population is safe," Tommy says, and we all laugh. 

"Cooties shots, huh? How are those transmitted?" Sky asks, wiggling her eyebrows up and down suggestively, much to my alarm.

"Through my doctor's kit!" Tommy says excitedly, for once in his life being a normal four-year-old.

"That's disappointing her suggestive wink," Ben comments and I roll my eyes at him. 



FYI, this story will be done at Chapter 45, and time skips will be normal. 

I love this book, so after I write my Jenzie one (which I've scheduled a month for), I'm going to make this a series, but do y'all want a prequel (Jamona Phase 1- platonic friendship), or a time-continuing Phase 3 (it was mentioned last chapter.)?

Later loves,


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