H for Homicide

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    "Ray, we should call that foster house we got the number of. Maybe they might have something to tell us..." Moby muttered, as he sipped on his morning coffee while slouching on his chair.

It was just past 8 a.m. Ray nodded as he picked up the land line, "Yeah, let's call 'em."

    He dialled the number and waited for someone to answer. After a few rings a gentleman picked up, who Ray assumed as the foster house owner. It was a care center in Boise, Montana.     
         Ray introduced himself as a detective and asked directly, about the transferring of foster children from Newcastle, Wyoming to the said state in 2013 and their details. After a few minutes Ray wrote down some notes and thanked the foster house owner for his help, he cut the call.

    " Two kids were transferred there after the incident. After schooling, only one remained in Montana.. He gave me the number to that kid." Ray muttered.

He knew they shouldn't hesitate to call him. Without putting down the phone, he dialed the number and waited till a male voice answered.

    " Hello...? "

    " Hello...Is this Mr.Tristan Young?"
    " Yes..?" the voice asked in a reluctant tone.
    "This is detective Raymond Andrews from Cheyenne police station... Do you have a minute to spare?"
    "Uh okay," Tristan Young muttered.

    " Can I help you?"

    "I'm in charge of a current investigation for which that I need some information... Perhaps, you are familiar with the Newcastle foster house case, am I right..?" Ray questioned.

Tristan hesitated. "Well, yeah...I mean I was in that foster house when it happened..."

Ray asked his eyes narrowed. "do you clearly remember the incident?"

The boy clear his throat. "umm... not much...I was just... 12 years old then... But it was the most terrible thing...and we had to move houses and leave our friends 'cause of that... It was not good.."

Ray nodded."yeah, I understand... what about the victims? What do you remember about them?"

"Our foster dad, Owen was a good man... Or we thought so... And the none of us believed that he had a relationship with a girl at our house till... it happened..." Tristan paused.

    "The accident?" Ray was unsure.

    "Yeah ... and the tape.."

    "What about the offender ? What do you remember of her?"

    "Kiara..." The boy murmured. "...she wasn't so close with me... or anyone I think.... I hadn't known her much 'cause I was there for only one year...but she was always quite and weird... And I've heard she had a bad temper and beats up girls and stuff...
       "After she killed Owen and the other girl... Tiffany... I heard that Kiara's character hadn't be good at all... She... you know... had even done it for money... you know what I mean detective ? "

      " Yeah ... I get what you are referring to.. " Ray's voice was obviously trying to hide the shock.
Tristan kept on talking." I was too young to understand... but it made sense to me later..."
     "What made sense?"

     Tristan's tone was shaky. "well, there was some nights at the foster house when I couldn't sleep because I kept hearing some weird noises. One day I was tired of 'em and went to check on it.... It was so unexpected to see Kiara heading inside to Owen' bedroom.. I didn't know why then.. But I heard her coming upstairs and closing her door in the morning next day... "
     " Well, that is horrible..."Ray sighed." is there anything else you can tell me about the incident ? "
Tristan paused as he mused for a minute." umm... Not that I can think of. "
     " Do you have number or addresses of any other foster children who lived in Newcastle? "Ray sounded hopeful.

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