O for Obsession

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    Gary looked out from the cliff into the dark wilderness below. The full moon lit brightly in the sky as the Sloans lake sparkled below. Part of the ground was dusty and a particular path down the narrow cliff was seemingly crushed.
    "... Guess he fell through there...." he said to detective Mokshit Singh, who stood there, gazing in the same direction. " How much steep is it from here...?"

     Moby sighed, "...about 100 or 150 feet.... I informed the special force to come down and help us search for the suspects....it's a risk to climb down there ourselves..."

    "Yes.. That's good.." Gary nodded, turning to look at Moby. "...Anyways.. how are you holding up..? After this whole Ray- Sebastian mess?"

     Moby flipped a hand over his head. ".... I don't know man.... Angry.. mostly... He did all that while still being my partner... First our intern, Finlay.. then him...Maybe this whole thing we thought about Finlay is all just another lie...created by him to frame Finlay and not get caught....He was talking about catching the bad guy while it was him, all along..." he shook his head, his face smug, as he took a deep breath,
    " God I wish we'd find him shot somewhere down there... 'cause I'd feel like killing him myself if he's alive... ".

     Gary patted his shoulder." I understand... I do.. I hope he got what he deserved.."

     Moby nodded and then looked at the chief "... Where is she? Where is this 'Kiara' ? "

   " I don't know...." Gary sighed. "... But we'll find out....."


    Chief Lincoln stopeed his car in front of the Flower Road apartment building. The area was secluded without any human being around at this hour.

     He saw another car parked vigorously, near the entrance of the building. He assumed it was the car Amber drove from its appearance. The front door was left open wide and the red paint was scratched in the side, while one glass window was shattered into pieces... possibly by a bullet.

     He entered inside the building and headed where Amber lived. 3rd floor, 425th room. Everyone seemed to be inside their rooms, sleeping or dining.

      "Amber....?" He called as he tried to knock on the door. But the door automatically opened as it has not really been closed before. He entered in as he called again, "Amber..?"

      No lights were switched on inside the apartment, but the lamp outside illuminated its light to the inside as well. Lincoln looked around as his eyes searched the room.

    Suddenly he paused, as he heard Amber crying from hallway. He hurried in the direction as he called out, "... Amber..?"

     She had dropped down beside the bed, as she leaned towards it. She was sobbing on the floor, in her hand was Ray's... Sebastian's gun. Gary hurried and crouched near her. ".... Amber... Amber it's okay.... You are safe now..."

     He embraced her as she weeped into his shoulder. ".... They were going to kill me..."

     Gary patted her back. "... It's okay...tell me what happened..."

    "..... She didn't die from the crash... She survived...and... and she had waited this whole time just to come and kill me... Kiara and Ray.. Sebastian... I kept asking him.. where she is...he said nothing but I saw his eyes move beside me..! Then I looked back and.... " her crying grew louder.
    "...and she was there...staring at me with those green eyes....holding a knife... I tried to shoot but I couldn't hit her... It went through a car window.... And Ray..." she sniffed, wailing. "... Sebastian... was coming right at me... He was going to kill me...." Amber broke down crying.

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