P for Penalty

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    She closed her eyes, as everything became clear in her mind. She remained shocked, as it all replayed as is like a horror movie, before her eyes.

     Mr. Miguel Lorenzo, calmly walks through the hallway of the town hall. He greets Mrs. Norman on the way and tells her to wait till he'd call her to the office. He enters the office and turns back to face the door. Just then, he gasps, seeing what was written on the wall, in haunt red blood.

    Amber Eve Chapman..

    He panics and dials someone. He shouts in fear. " I told you this would happen! I never should have listened to you! Someone's out there... who knows what really happend and wants revenge! You know what? I'm going to the police! I'm gonna tell everything! I'm done!" he curses.

      At the end of the line, a bald man listens calmly. The chief's badge glistening on his chest. Chief Gary Lincoln.

      He sighs as he finishes the call. Then he calls someone else.

      The young, blond, energetic intern picks up. Pete Finlay. Chief had known him since he worked at the Newcastle tax department. "Sir...? What can I do for you this time..?"
     Pete Finlay rushes to the town hall. Wearing  the face covering fearsome black mask, and the dark hoodie as he walks inside. He shoots the lawyer in the head, before staging it as a suicide.

    He confronts Mrs. Norman. He happens to bribe her not to tell officials anything she saw. She agrees. But she fails at  the interrogation room, letting out everything she knows. Pete witnesses the whole encounter, as he watches fiercely, while he records the interview. He had known her for her tax issues. In fact, they weren't in very amicable statuses.

     He makes up his mind to kill Mrs. Norman. He had known where she lives since he collected tax from her. He enters her house and strangles her, the leaks the gas creating an explosion, to make to look like an accident.

      Two days later, Pete hears from Ray that Amber's brother will be arriving at the airport. He informs Gary Lincoln of this, who of course advises to kill him as he might know information he'd tell the police. He follows him to the secluded building, shoots him and flees.

     But doesn't succeed. With Daniel being still alive, Gary advises Pete to accuse Amber, to derive the suspicion away from the truth. And it might work well, if the accused seemed to accept the fault and suicide out of guilt.

     Gary send Pete to kill Amber. But not to  shoot, it has to be staged as a suicide. He tries to choke her but fails. He flees the scene again.

     Evidence comes up revealing that Pete Finlay is the actual culprit. He informs Chief Gary of the situation. He tells him to come meet him at Newcastle.

      He meets Finlay at his motel, and secretly induces a suicide drug in his beer. After he passes out, in order to make sure he dies, with the secrets to himself Gary shoots him to stage it as a suicide.
      Her eyes flickered open. 

      Everything was clear now - how all it took place. All those murders, crimes and lies. The truth was  crystal clear. She lifted her head, to see Gary pointing the gun again to her face.

     "It was you....." She muttered through her deep breaths. "...I remember you now....you collected taxes in Newcastle.... I remember you coming to the foster house ... You knew Owen... you knew me..."

     Gary said nothing. He narrowed his eyes brows as if he was confused.

     "... You knew what Owen was doing to Kiara..... To Me... You knew he abused me.. " Amber widened her eyes.".... It was you, who stole that money from Owen... The lawsuit...it was against you... Miguel Lorenzo was the lawyer...but you bribed him to withdraw the case...!

     "You wanted Owen's money...you could have taken it if you expose what he was doing to me... He'd be charged with child abuse, lose all the money and funds from the foster house and end up in jail....
     "... but you didn't do that.... Instead, you killed him.. You didn't want him to be alive...not even in jail... Why.. ?" she shook her head, as she tried decipher the puzzled. Then she stopped as it hit her.
     "... 'Cause he could talk on jail... And you didn't want him to talk.... " Her eye sight became unclear as tears filled inside. "...Oh my god... It wasn't only Owen... You...too.. You raped me...."

     Gary kept staring at her. Then his lifted eyebrow descended. His lips slightly stretched, as he chuckled. "... Well.. I wouldn't call it 'rape'... You were underage, right.." he crouched near her and grabbed her chin, forcefully."... But you didn't struggle then..not a bit... You let me do whatever I wanted to you..."

     She gasped her face away from his grip.

      " Maybe Owen did something to you...black mailing ... brain washing...or maybe you just liked being an underage wrench....But you never said no, kept everything a secret, and did anything I asked.. " Gary whispered to her ear. "... Just like a toy..."

      She felt a lump in her dry throat. Her eyes stuck on the same place, shocked."...You leaked that video...it was you..wasn't it..?"

      Gary raised his eyes brow."... I filmed it too, you know... I hid the camera...."

    "Oh my...god...you.... You...killed Owen... and Tiffany... you framed me for it!"  Amber felt a tear drop escape and run down her cheek. She mourned. "Why...? Why did you do it..?"

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