Chapter 47

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Something strikes me as being very off about the current situation. I mean, imagine it as a book synopsis:

Miran Bae is upset to learn that her multi millionaire boyfriend has people who really like him so she throws a hissy fit, and he proposes to her. She says yes, and is still really upset about it even though he's really just trying his best, and for some reason he is still with her. At the end of the day though, they always have extraordinarily expensive wine to get drunk off of in his Seoul rooftop penthouse. True love at its finest.

I mean, what kind of asshole do I have to be where my life story would be given a synopsis like that.

Okay, maybe I've had too much wine. Actually, maybe both of us have had too much wine.

"It's been a very long time since I've been this happy," Jumin slurred, gently petting Elizabeth, who for the first time looked irritated. I believe it, considering Jumin hasn't stopped letting her for at least an hour.

"That's the wine talking," I sighed, struggling to pick up my own glass without knocking it over.

"No it's not," Jumin slurred in response. "Wouldn't you be euphoric if you had a beautiful woman sitting across from you, and she's not just here to try and take your money?"

"I'm not a lesbian and I have no money," I said, sipping my wine finally.

"You know what I meant," he chuckled. His phone began ringing and he quickly slammed it into the table, too drunk to understand his own force. It had cracked. "Oh shit. Oh...sorry. I do not swear. Especially not in front of a woman."

"You also don't get drunk."

"Yes I do. I'm just usually alone."

The phone rang again despite it being severely cracked. Jumin sighed and answered it, trying to sound as sober as possible.

"Yes, assistant Kang? No, I am not drunk. Yes, Miran said yes. Yes, we're at my apartment. No, I am not drunk stop asking that. What are you, a cop?" Jumin began answering Jaehee. "Sorry, that was out of character. I'm a little drunk."

I facepalmed. Jumin immediately caught what he said.

"Maybe it's best I hang up now, assistant Kang," Jumin sighed before immediately hanging up. "Do you think she caught on?"

"Yes," I nodded. Jumin chuckled.

"I don't really care," he said. He leaned in and kissed me. Before I could even react though, he threw one his arms under my knees and the other behind my back and lifted me off of my chair.

"Ah! What are you doing?"

"Oh shush, girlie," he giggled. He carried me up the stairs and threw me onto his bed. He shut the door before Elizabeth could scurry in, and flipped off the light. The room was still well illuminated with the floor to ceiling windows since it was barely midday. He took off his tie, and his suit jacket. They're such permanent fixtures of him so seeing him take them off is always so jarring.

But we're drunk. And this seems like a bad idea. I watched as Jumin took his belt off and knew I had to react.

"Yeah...not today I think," I sighed, chuckling.

"Not today, what?" Jumin asked. He drunkenly stumbled over to the bed and laid down. He took me into my arms and held me close to him. "I'm really tired."

I couldn't help but chuckle. Of course, Jumin just wanted to be comfortable to take a nap. I chuckled and settled in.

Cityscapes (Jumin Han x OC)Where stories live. Discover now