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"You can't become a hero without a quirk."

The words rolled endlessly around his mind, twisting and shaping until it became clear; he wasn't becoming a hero, he would always be a failure, a nobody, a worthless Deku. He lowered his head as he walked along the sidewalk, kicking a rock as he went. His black school uniform situated itself on his body uncomfortably, and his bag felt unusually heavy. A deadened silence overtook his mind. For once, nothing was inside it apart from his fears engulfing him.

"Maybe I am no good, maybe I'll never be a hero." Sighing, he looked up, bumping into something — no — someone.
"Oh! I - I'm sorry!" He took a step back, holding out his arms to stabilise himself and the person he carelessly bumped into.

The man before him wasn't much older than himself, he had blue hair that cascaded around his shoulders, along with a hood that shadowed most of his face. But the pale skin was just visible below the hood, he had cracked skin that looked almost like sandpaper.
He regarded the boy that bumped into him, he sighed and looked at a note he held in his hand.

"Are you Izuku Midoriya?" The green haired boy was gaping at him; "how did you know my name?" He asked, backing up another step, behind him was an alley way, if he was quick, he could slip down and use his knowledge of all the twists and turns to his advantage if anything went downhill.

"I have my resources. Anyway, I have someone who so despairingly wants to see you." He seemed disgusted, odd.
"Uh, I - I don't know who you are.?" Izuku was slowly backing away, getting ready to make a break for it.

"Oh, forgive me, my name is Tomura Shigaraki. Your father sent me." That stopped Izuku in his tracks, his attention was caught.
"My father?" His interest made Shigaraki smile slightly.

"Yes, and he's waiting fo you." As if on queue, a black misted portal appeared behind him, Tomura stretched out his hand to Izuku, who moved forwards and took it hesitantly. He was pulled forwards into the mist, and that was the last time he remembered ever wanting a hero.

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