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"He's been found, Inko."

The door was thrust open in his face, the two officers beside him held his shoulders firmly as his mother leapt out the door and wrapped her arms around him tightly, Izuku was knocked back by the sudden impact and fought to regain his balance. He put his hands up, he hated hugs, but he forced himself to wrap his own arms around his mother, and forced out tears and they both sunk to the floor, a sobbing mess and they held each other.

The police stepped back, before one muttered into his radio and they left, neither of them looking back as the mother and son were reunited after nine months.

"Oh my Izuku, you look so different! So grown up! What happened to you?" She sobbed while stroking his hair — well, what was there.
He just managed to force out a smile, before just shaking his head.
"I'm - I'm really tired, mum, I - I think I j-just need t-to s-sleep." He tried to stutter, like how he used to when he was upset or nervous. His mother bought it.

"Oh of course, of course!" She weeped and continued to stare at him, as if she was afraid to lose him again if she so much as batted an eyelid.

"I thought you were dead..." she reached for his cheek, he grabbed her hand before it came in contact with it.
"I'm sorry, reflexes." He said before guiding her hand to his face. It was cold, it felt strange, unnatural. But he embraced it.

"Let's go inside, I've kept your room exactly how you left it." Her smile was half-hearted, but she still managed to guide him into the house and to his room, all the while her hand was either placed on his back or his shoulder, like she didn't believe he was real.

He forgot what his room looked like, and he instantly felt sick to his stomach. All Might was everywhere, posters, statues, figurines — you name it.
Izuku froze, he seemed out of place, the boy with the half shaved head with a pink shirt on and black jeans, in a room with so much yellow, blue and red, just seemed to radiate no.

He stopped in his tracks and sucked in a breath. He definitely needed an upgrade.
"I uh, I think I'll be okay for n - now, mum." He smiled sweetly at her, before she retreated and closed the door behind her and disappeared.

He turned back towards the sickening room before flopping onto his bed, pulling out his phone and typing to the first person in his contacts.

Izuku: save me please, this place reeks All Might.
Dad: just hang in there, why not rearrange some things? You could be there for a while.
I: I guess so, better start now eh? How's the trip going btw.
D: it's going okay, but I need to go now, you should clean your room.
I: fiiiiiiiine, tell me everything when you get home?
D: yep!

He shut off his phone, he had half a month to prepare for the exam, so that meant some time to catch up with...old friends.
His lip twitched in disgust at the thought of Katsuki Bakugou, and his dwardling sidekicks That did everything for him. Part of the reason for his uprising as a villain.
He closed his eyes, letting sleep take over his body as he fell into a dream full of fire and acid.


He woke up with a start, Saturday morning. He gazed around the unfamiliar yet familiar room, and a deep smell of eggs and bacon wafted into his nose. Memories overtook his brain, and he leapt up with start as he remembered his mother was probably cooking him breakfast.

He threw open the dresser that contained all his clothes — old clothes.
Let's see, All Might, All Might, All Might — ah! Here!
He grabbed out a plain white button-up shirt, his old school shirt by the looks of it. But it was better than everything else. He took off the pink shirt that he left on last night, and threw on the white one, folding down the collar and adjusting the sleeves, he found another pair of black jeans and put them on too.
At least old Izuku had some decent clothes.

He grabbed some black sneakers that were left neatly by the wall and walked out with them in his hand.
"Hi mum," he hummed as he placed his shoes on the ground before going to sit at the table. His mother seemed to radiate electricity as she brought down the food, taking her spot by the table as well.
"Good morning Izuku." She smiled at him, tears brimming up against her eyes again.

"Mum please, don't cry." He stared at her sweetly, trying his best not to fall into a rage at the weak women. She was so weak, he easily pinpointed every open attack point, he could so easily pick up his knife and drive it into her skull without her even muttering a scream...

He shoved the thoughts out of his head, the League Of Villains needed this Plan to work for some odd reason.
"So, I'm trying out for UA this month." His mother stopped mid-bite. She glanced back up, disappointment clearly visible in her green eyes, but she didn't say anything hurtful.
"That's great, Izuku, you can finally pursue your dreams..." She seems to space off, and Izuku knew what she was thinking.

Poor boy, if only he had a quirk to help him along the way...

"I uh, I also manifested a quirk..." he looked down, unable to meet her eyes, but co fusion was thick in the air. Unable to explain himself, he stood up.
"I'm going out, I need to get some air." He smiled before leaving the untouched food and grabbing his shoes.

With that, he quickly exited the house and closed the apartment door swiftly behind him, never looking back.


Izuku was sitting at a table in the mall, eating a burger he'd bought whilst also playing a game on his phone, he took a bite from his birder before a shadow towered above him. He sighed as he recognised the smell of burnt sugar and sweets.

"Where. The fuck. Have you been." Izuku stood up and pivoted around on his shoe, coming face to face with an angered looking...little shit.
"Lost." Was all Izuku has to say to the blonde male. Bakugou didn't look convinced at all.
"Lies, you look as if you joined a street gang and then the police arrested you."

"Maybe that s what happened." Bakugou looked him up and down, his eyes still narrowed, and his confusion showed over every inch of his being. Usually, the old Izuku would have backed up in fear and tried to quickly explain himself. But now, he stood calmly, hands in his pockets, and leaning up against the chair he was in a moment ago.

"What happened to your hair?" Bakugou snarled, pointing to Izuku's head.
"I shaved it." He responded bluntly.
"Don't play dumb you useless Deku, what happened to you?" Deku. He missed that one, and it occurred to him that Bakugou would forever be the a hero. A bully.

"Okay, I'll tell you, I was captured by villains, saw my father, he introduced me to the League Of Villains, I shaved my head, and then the police found me." He air quoted as he went along, letting the sarcasm escape through his mouth thickly and thoroughly. Bakugou still didn't look convinced.

Izuku could smell the sweet scent getting stronger, Bakugou was getting ready to blow his head off.
Izuku took a small step back, whilst also letting his hand sizzle in acid.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Bakugou." He snarled, and that seemed to frighten the blonde, because he took a step back, glared at the new green haired boy, and and briskly walked away.

Odd, he's surely planning something.
Izuku sighed, before shaking his hand to get rid of any excess acid before sitting back down. Just how he wanted to start things, get everything back to normal before the exams.

So yeah, second part is o v e r !
Sorry if it's really bad I'll probs go over it when I feel like it uwu.

QOTD: what's your favourite meal?
— mine is pasta! Or soup. 🤔

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