part two

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i woke up to that Logan guy banging a bell with a stick and shouted things I honestly couldn't care about.

-"get up! we're going canoeing!" he repeated. I groaned and decided to get up and get ready.

we arrived at the canoeing place, i've never been canoeing before.

-"sorry guys, some kid took a shit in the canoes and now it's cancelled." a lady said, i was kind of disappointed but decided to not worry about it. i noticed zhen disappeared somewhere. i looked up at the mountain and saw her and a redhead where hiking up.

-"better than doing nothing." i murmured. i decided to follow them up. i lost them somewhere, i think they where more up but I wanted to enjoy the view.

how the water fit perfectly between the trees and the sand, how you could see everything from one spot. my thoughts where soon interrupted by yelling.

-"hey! hey! le-let me go!" I decided to follow the voices, they weren't to far away.

it was that rich, jerk. he was pushing the ginger kid rear the edge.

-"hey, asshole!" i shouted to get his attention. he looked towards me but ignored me and continued.

-"alex, stop squirming im trying to help you." he kept pushing alex closer to the edge. i started getting concerned.

-"hey! c'mon! stop!" i shouted getting scared

-"you're going to push him over the edge!" i shouted showing I was concerned.

-"hey! let him go!" a boy yelled. his voice got the rich kids attention.

-"go mountain hobo, this doesn't concern you." the asshole announced.

-"i'm not going to ask you again." the boy said calmly.

the asshole got irritated by the boy, he dragged alex away from the cliff and thew him onto the floor. Zhen came out of a bush she was hiding in and knelt down near alex.

"you think you're so tough. well, big mistake bro. five years of Krav Maga bitch. i'll gal gadot you so hard right now. what's your ground game?" I rolled my eyes, this idiot.

his leg went up to try and 'karate' kick this stranger, or whatever he was gonna do, the stranger dodged the pathetic attack and sucker punched this idiot out cold.

-"you okay, kid?" the mountain boy asked alex. alex nodded his head, getting up, with the support of the boy.

-"who are you?" alex asked.

-"oh, i'm gabriel." the mysterious boy introduced himself. i took a better look at this boy, 'gabriel'. calling him cute was an understatement.

-"th-that was a lucky punch." sleeping beauty woke up.

-"oh shut up man, you're giving me a headache." I complained. everyone looked shocked that I had talked, except zhen.

-"well i'm alex, this is zhenzhen, dariush annnd.." obviously not many people knew my name so I had to introduce myself.

-"skye" I finished his sentence. gabriel smiled at me. i put my head down so he didn't see me blush.

everybody's phones went off, I headed over to zhen to see what was going on.

-"what is it?" gabriel asked.

-"it's evacuation, we should get going," alex answered. "does anyone know the way?"

-"uh yeah follow me." gabriel instructed.

-"uh-uh I ain't following some mountain hobo, I know where we're going." I rolled my eyes at dariush's comment. I faced gabriel.

-"well? lead the way." gabriel smirked at me and started leading the way.

dariush found out no one was following him and tagged along with us.

-"no ones here?" i said.

-"they left."


dariush and gabriel were having a conversation about bears and how they might be around, but i wasn't listening. i was looking at the ships coming through the atmosphere.


i flinched at the loud sound. gabriel came by my side along with the others. i was so mesmerised by the ships that i wasn't listening to the scientific facts coming out of Alex's mouth.

im a dreamer i always was and probably always will be. i daydream to much, i never listen and i never watch my surroundings. my brother always gave me a hard time about it. where I grew up you needed to be aware of everything happening around you. if not you'd be dead in a ditch or end up in something you didn't do. but my brother was always there for me, his friends were like brothers to me, they all took care of me.

-"skye!" gabriel yelled and shielded me from the ship that passed over the water. he looked at me worried.

-"c'mon guys." alex yelled for us

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