Hello ....these are some daily devotions for anyone out there who wants to know God please read 😃😃...I was inspired by Apostle Grace Lubega who in one sermon said that we should make all our social media accounts and platforms alters for God's w...
Ezekiel 22:30(KJV); And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.bb
We are privileged to live in a time when knowledge is increasing; this is a fulfilment of prophesy (Daniel 12:4).
With the increase of knowledge comes responsibility because to whom much is given much is required (Luke 12:48). This means that the demand of heaven on our generation and in these times is very great and we ought to live our lives with this understanding.
There are those who will yield to the increase of knowledge and there are those who will not. However, merely because someone has refused to yield to the work of God in our day does not mean that what God intends to do will be slowed in anyway.
Every believer should understand that divine purpose supersedes human will.
At a certain point, the grace that winks at indifference runs its course and God's will overrides that indifference. He will look for a man who will submit himself to what He [God] is doing.
You have to make up your mind to be responsive; God forbid that you be the one whom God could have used but let indifference get in the way.
Understand the times in which we are living child of God, and position yourself to stand in the gaps of divine purpose.
Be available.
Humble yourself for the great work before us, the Church.
To the glory of His name.
FURTHER STUDY: Daniel 12:4, Luke 12:48
GOLDEN NUGGET: Understand the times in which we are living child of God, and position yourself to stand in the gaps of divine purpose. Be available.
PRAYER: Loving father, I thank you for what you are doing in our day. I yield to divine purpose and choose to stand in the gap. Break me and humble me for your purposes Lord. I am available; I am willing to be used by you. In Jesus' name. Amen I hope you enjoyed it 💪💪 ********************************* Phaneroo livestream on YouTube at the Phaneroo webpage every Thursday😀😊
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