John 20:29(MSG); Jesus said, "So, you believe because you've seen with your own eyes. Even better blessings are in store for those who believe without seeing."
It is a great liberty to see Christ as He is in the Spirit.
There is a blessing that follows this revelation and understanding. As such, the scriptures have declared that blessed are those who believe without seeing.
The reason why this is a great liberty is because to behold Christ in His spiritual form is to behold Him in all dimensions. That is where the limitlessness of the experience of the Christ is.
Christ delights in manifesting and ministering to you in the spiritual form more than in the physical. This is because the formation of all we see has its source and genesis from that which is spiritual.
We are spiritual beings with occasional human experiences, and not human beings with occasional spiritual experiences.
It is possible to see Jesus everyday and everywhere; if our focus shifts to the Christ, who now has His habitation, in the hearts of men.
Glory to God!
FURTHER STUDY: 1Peter 1:8, Luke 13:35,
GOLDEN NUGGET: We are spiritual beings with occasional human experiences and not human beings with occasional spiritual experiences.
PRAYER: Blessed Savior, I thank you for this day. Thank you for choosing me to be your habitation and dwelling place. I am not limited to what my eyes can see . I define your manifest presence with what I experience in the spirit. I see you as I ought to see you, through the very lens of eternity and of the Word. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Phaneroo devotions
SpiritualHello ....these are some daily devotions for anyone out there who wants to know God please read 😃😃...I was inspired by Apostle Grace Lubega who in one sermon said that we should make all our social media accounts and platforms alters for God's w...