Leviticus 19:16(MSG); "Don't spread gossip and rumors. Don't just stand by when your neighbor's life is in danger", I am GOD.
Gossip is the one spirit in this life that disqualifies the message of Grace.
Every time you gossip or slander somebody, you mean to say that you are better than the person you're gossiping about.
This spirit brings shame to the gospel and destroys people who think they are qualified to judge certain matters whereas they are not.
Sometimes you may not participate in gossip or slander, but rather, you sit amongst the scorners and scoffers; and in so doing, you render yourself as not being any different from them.
If you want to keep a constant flow of the presence of God, bear fruit in every season as well as flourish in whatever your hands touch, then avoid cheap talk.
The irony with gossip is, you may never know when the victim of your gossip is innocent, or when they repented and reconciled with their God.
Never dare to judge a man when you don’t know his closet.
Purpose to walk in love because love is the highest revelation for any man that knows God.
FURTHER STUDY: Psalms 15:3-5, 1Peter 4:8Amp
GOLDEN NUGGET: Purpose to walk in love because love is the highest revelation for any man that knows God.
PRAYER: My great redeemer, I give you praise for today's word. I purpose to cover any brethren overtaken by a fault, knowing well that it's before you that they fall and stand, yet you are well able to make them stand. My lips are not for slander and gossip but for prayer, they are seasoned with grace. I thank you because with this understanding, I continue to grow in you. To the glory of your Name. Amen.
Phaneroo; make manifest 😉😉
Phaneroo devotions
SpiritualHello ....these are some daily devotions for anyone out there who wants to know God please read 😃😃...I was inspired by Apostle Grace Lubega who in one sermon said that we should make all our social media accounts and platforms alters for God's w...