Isaiah 66:9(KJV); Shall I bring to the birth, and not cause to bring forth? saith the LORD: shall I cause to bring forth, and shut the womb? saith thy God.
God finishes what He starts.
It is not in His nature to begin and not end something because He Himself is the beginning and the end.
Like our theme scripture reveals, He is not the God who can bring a woman to the point of birth and does not cause her to bring forth.
God has not brought you this far to let you fail.
He has not brought you this far to allow what He started to be ended by the enemy.
He has invested too much in you.
That is why, regardless of the circumstance you might be facing, you will come out because God is not done yet.
No matter how bad the diagnosis is, you will not die because the Lord is not yet done!
Walk with this understanding. Face your days in this blessed assurance.
His name be praised!
FURTHER STUDY: Revelation 1:8, Hebrews 12:2
GOLDEN NUGGET: God finishes what He starts. It is not in His nature to begin and not end something because He Himself is the beginning and the end.
PRAYER: Lord, I thank you for this Word. What truth! I stand in the knowledge that you are for me. I am yours and you are mine, you are the author and the finisher of everything pertaining to my life. Nothing is done until you say so. Nothing has ended until you say so. This is my song of victory. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Phaneroo devotions
SpiritualHello ....these are some daily devotions for anyone out there who wants to know God please read 😃😃...I was inspired by Apostle Grace Lubega who in one sermon said that we should make all our social media accounts and platforms alters for God's w...