In the Place where we Stand

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Romans 14:4(KJV); Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand.

The grace of God is the guarantee that we never fail.

I have heard men labelled as ‘fallen’ by others simply because some scandal or other has hit their lives and ministries or if they fell into some temptation or other.

Every man who has understood the imputed righteousness of God is held up by God.

If that man ever succumbs to the weakness of the flesh, don’t mistake weakness in the flesh for depravity in spirit.

He might seem ‘fallen’ to you because you only behold what is in the flesh yet in actual truth, God has fortified him that he is standing strong in spirit.

In fact, everything around him might point to the state of a fallen man yet, in fact, he is upright in spirit.

That is why Paul asks the ultimate question, ‘who are you that judges another man’s servant?’

What many define as ‘fallen’ vastly differs from what God regards as fallen. God defines falling as seeking to be justified by the law (Galatians 5:4).

As long as a man has embraced grace, to God, such a man can never be ‘fallen’.

FURTHER STUDY: Galatians 5:4, Proverbs 24:16

GOLDEN NUGGET: The grace of God is the guarantee that we never fail to stand.
Every man who has understood the imputed righteousness of God is held up by God.

PRAYER: Loving God, I thank you for the gift of your grace. By it, I stay strong and withstand all storms. Today, I am reminded more than ever that it is before you that I stand and not before men. You hold me up, lift my head and cause me to walk in the consciousness of who I am in you. To the glory of your name. Amen

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