10th June 2019

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Isaiah 10:27(KJV); And it shall come to pass in that day, [that] his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.

I have known Christians that are bound by all sorts of forces of darkness.

Some have been in and out of deliverance services to no avail.
Demons have been cast out but nothing seems to change. They are struggling with issues which don't cease.

That is not the life of a believer!

Our theme scripture says that the yoke is broken BECAUSE of the anointing.

This means that the more you grow in the anointing, the more certain things in your life stop tormenting you.

Some addictions fall away simply because of your growth in the anointing.

Invest in that which increases the anointing.

That is why I always tell people, if you are struggling with something, stay in the presence and give yourself more to it; abide more; spend time in prayer and in the word of God.

However, the mind of doing these things is not to break the yoke. We do not seek God to break yokes; as we seek God, yokes break.

FURTHER STUDY: 1 John 2:20, 1 John 2:27

GOLDEN NUGGET: We do not seek God to break yokes; as we seek God, yokes break.

PRAYER: Most gracious Saviour, I thank you for your Word. Thank you for the anointing I have received from on high. Life's struggles and burdens are no longer a threat; they melt and are destroyed because of the fatness of the anointing on my life. I live, minister and serve as one that is free from the concerns of this world. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

All credits to Phaneroo Ministries International 😆

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