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"Not again." I mumble. I curse and bury my head under my pillow at the sounds of Alika's cries.

I sit up in my bed and glance over at the clock. It's almost ten in the morning so nobody should be getting woken up. And if they are, then that's not my fault.

The other night, Alika was crying so loud the other night that dad heard her from his bedroom on the other end of the house.

For a three month old, she has a big set of lungs.

I huff and roll out of my bed, walking over to my little crying princess. "Alika..." I coo, shhing her since she's really loud and my ears can only take so much. I slouch against the crib and pout. "Alika, princess."

Instead of listening to me, Alika continues to scream her head off. I cringe at the smell and curse when I lift her up. I look at her and huff. "You love making work for me, don't you?"

She just looks at me, slowly calming herself down when she realises I'm holding her. I kiss her forehead. "But it's okay because I still love you." Then I suck in a breath when I realise her nappy has leaked onto her bedsheets. "You're lucky you're my daughter and I can tolerate this."

I gag and avoid touching her bottom half. My door knocks and I let out a deep breath. "Its open!" I call, glancing over at my door. Sydney gives me a weird look, with her eyebrows raised, and I whine. "Help."

She laughs. "You're lucky that I'm such a fan of babies."

"Even when their nappy leaks?" Sydney cringes and I snort a laugh. "Could you run her a bath while I try to make some sense of this?"

"Sure thing." Sydney says with a nod, walking around me. "Just don't make her touch me."

"Noted." I hum before looking back at my little princess. Her big dark eyes look at me and I kiss her nose. "You're such a pretty girl."

Laying her down on her changing mat, I cringe when I can see the mess she made. Thankfully, nothing has touched my pyjamas. Alika stares at me, while I take off her pyjamas and nappy.

"Thank you for this." I kiss her forehead. She reaches up to touch my face. I smile and tickle her belly, Alika let's out an adorable laugh. "It's exactly how I wanted to start my morning."

Alika makes her baby noises and begins to shift around causing this to be more difficult than intended. I gag at the smell and decide to throw away her clothes along with the nappy into the bin.

Clearing her up with plenty of baby wipes, I wrap my little princess up in a towel and carry her into the bathroom. Sydney is in the bathroom, scrolling through her phone with her back rested against the wall. "Thanks Syd."

She puts her phone back in her jumper pocket and glances at me. "How are you Zac?"

I shrug. "I've been better." She nods and squeezes my shoulder.

"Don't worry it'll get easier."  She sends me a smile. "I'll go and tell Eli that Alika needs to have her sheets changed."

I grin. "You're the best."

"I know." She says, while walking out of the bathroom. I hear the door shut and look back at Alika.

"You have the best aunt." I tell her, while I wash her in the bath. She just stares at me and I laugh.

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