2 - Beamish

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Did I get here early? No one's here yet except for my seatmate who's sleeping. I tip-toed and quietly sat beside him and started writing my daily log.

While writing, I can feel the wind blowing wildly from outside. I closed the window as quiet as possible then returned to my seat.

"Why are you acting like some kind of thief?"

"Oof! You scared me!" I screamed.

I looked at him and he's intently staring at me.

"I was trying not to wake you up. 'Cause it looks like you need your sleep. And it might be rude to make any noise." I said and wrote again.

He didn't answer and we weren't talking. It was awkward. And I can't start a conversation. I'm shy. I just wrote anything I can think of, and patiently wait until our classmates come.

I can't deal with this, he's really staring at me. I lightly panicked but I put on a brave act and looked at him.

That was a wrong move, I froze. I can't look away. I was really mesmerized by his eyes. They're so beautiful.

"What do you mean?" He spoke.

"Huh? What do I mean? I didn't say anything." I confusingly asked while shaking my head.

"I mean, what do you mean by 'it seems like I won't have any friends, again.'?" He asked, still staring directly into my eyes. It felt like he's looking into my soul,struggling to find my deepest secrets.

That's it. I can't take this anymore. I'm panicking. What did he mean by that question? Why is he asking me? Did he read my diary? Why is he staring at me like that? What does he want? Did he actually read my diary? What the f*ck is happen-?

The door opened and all our classmates came. I cleared my throat and faced in front, not minding my seatmate.


The whole day, I was trying to ignore him. I tried to get it out of my mind. But I can't. I have never met anyone who can read my writing. No one. Even my mom can't read it.

Maybe he was talking to himself? No, he doesn't look like a freak. Perhaps, I heard it wrong. Or maybe, I imagined it. That's right. I imagined it. Haha.

I'm now walking towards the school gate when someone tapped my shoulder. I looked back and froze again. Why am I so edgy around him?


"You're not answering my question." He said with a straight face.

"Huh? W-what question?" I tried to deny but deep inside, I know.

"Nevermind. We'll talk tomorrow. Same time." Then he left.

I was left standing. I don't know what to do. Someone can read my writing. I can't believe it. Am I suppose to be happy?


Words No One Can Read // SoonHoon Where stories live. Discover now