New beginnings

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Ness POV
I never would have thought that I would be joining smash bros anytime soon. Until they sent me a letter with a red approval stamp on it. Then I had to pack my bags kiss my mother good bye and be on my way.

When I got there the first thing I thought was (This place is crazy!!) There was a tiny cute pink puffball eating a cheesecake with what looked like a smaller pikachu, a dog and a duck running around with each other, and an over sized crocodile fighting with a huge gorilla. "Well this is going to be a fun adventure for me, isn't it?" I said looking around at all the craziness that was just at the front door of the humongous mansion. I open the doors with confidence and the first thing I see is....a SNAKE?!! "What the-?!" I was cut off by a boy with blonde hair and a brown haired boy who captured the snake with a net.

"Thanks Villa!" The blonde chirped with a bright smile.
"No problem!" The brunette chirped back. I was so confused on what just happened that I zoned out while the brown hair one tried talking to me.
"Helloooo earth to stranger the universe is trying to talk to you!" He said while waving his hand in my face.
"Huh? Oh! Sorry I zoned out can you say that again?" The both of them groaned with annoyance like they repeatedly said something 30 times.
"I said what's your name?"
"Ness" I said calmly to the brunette (A:N I want to call him a Brunette but I not sure that was right)
They both gasped and looked at each other.
"I'm Lucas and you're are new roommate!" Lucas huh? I have to admit his smile...was super cute.
"My name is Villager but you can call me Villa!" They both shook my hand and gave me a small hug. Look I know I just met Villa about two minutes ago but his hugs are are so awesome! "Nice to meet you Lucas and Villa!" "Ok ok enough with intros it's Time for us to show you our dorm" Villa said. "Yea you do seem pretty exhausted" Lucas said. "We'll give you a tour of the mansion tomorrow, right Lucas?" "Yeah!" "Ok let's go then I'm super tired" I said groggily. "Here let me help you with your stuff!" Villa said very jumpy. "You don't have-" I cut off by Villa all of a sudden grabbing all of my luggage and just putting it in his pocket. My jaw dropped. "HOW?!?!" I ask in disbelief. Villager just smiled and shrugged his shoulders. Lucas asked me if I wanted a piggy back ride and I was so tired I said yes and fell asleep on his back just waiting for tomorrow to wake me up.

A:N Thanks so much for reading my first chapter to my first ever story Called....Ha! You actually thought I was going to tell you what this is?! That's what the title is for! Jk Well bye everyone!

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