Second stop: Cloud arena pt:1

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Toon link's POV
I wake up in a great mood because as soon as I open my eyes I see villa sleeping happily clinging to my arm. He's just the cutest when he sleeps! I-I mean- n-not that I watch him while he sleeps..

Anyway I slipped away from him carefully so I wouldn't wake him, walk to the bathroom, brush my teeth, change in a purple tunic and matching hat. I'm feeling a bit dangerous today ok?!

I go to my 'office' and look at where the next stop is. Oh no. "Cloud arena..." I mumble as I look at map with widened eyes. I don't have a good past with that place... "Toonie?" I look at the doorway and see a very sleepy Villa standing there rubbing his eyes. Ohhhh Crap... I almost forgot that he is also going there... I'm so screwed..

"Villa..go back to bed you're sleep walking." I say trying to push him lightly out the doorway. "W-Wait! I-I wanted just wanted a hug.." I hear Vila say while stopping me. "O-oh s-sure.."I say with a small blush on my face. I kneel down and wrap him in a soft embrace.

He hugs back tightly but then I suddenly notice him going up my back and then wrapping his arms around my neck pulling to his face. "V-Villa!" I yelp as he pulls me closer. "T-Toonie...I think I r-really.." Our faces are centimeters away, my heart is pounding, and my face is heating up!!

"Like you..." and before I could say anything our lips pressed together. "Mmm.." I melt a bit into the kiss and I  felt almost all my troubles fade away. As I pull away I notice that he went right back to sleep. Huh I guess he was actually sleep walking...

Ness's POV
What the hell did I just witness?
I'm sorry!! But I just needed more toothpaste!! Jesus!!
I DID NOT need to see that at 8 in the morning!! Sure whatever they're cute but, Next time I'm just gonna wait til everyone is up! Ugh!!

Lucas's POV
When we finished eating breakfast we were already at the next stop. It was an island and it was very small. Please tell me that this was a joke... "Ummm TL? Are you sure this is the next stop?" I ask. "Who said this was the next stop?" TL says with a stupid smile while climbing a very tall tree.

"Wait what?" I ask while everyone else watch's him climb. His sister Aryll appears behind me and says, "We're going to Cloud arena so we'll need to get in the clouds above this island." I jump in surprise at her approach.

"Sooo basically it's smooth sailing for Toonie because he can paraglide up there if he gets enough height, Villa because he can use a balloon cap, but the rest of us are just sitting ducks while you go up there WITHOUT US...Did I miss ANYTHING?" Ness in a sarcastic and annoyed tone. "Well actually I can fly, since I'm still not fully human yet..."

Claus says as black wings appear on his back. I pat Claus's shoulder to signal him that now was not time to answer. Villa sighs and pulls out a freaking two seater jet from his pocket!! Me and Ness's mouth fell to the floor. "How do you do this?!" Ness yells. "To answer that, we need to to talk about pocket dimensions.." Villa says putting on his balloon cap and flying away.

Claus puts Aryll on his back and follows Villa, while me and Ness hop in the jet with Ness as the pilot. TL was already half there. We finally get there and as soon as we take a step on the clouds we are greeted by Pit, one of Paulutena's most faithful angels.

"Hey guys I'm glad you showed! Especially you...." Pit glares at Toon link as Toon link looks down. "Toon link.." "Pit Icarus.." they both have some questionable history from what I can tell.

Pit's POV
The tension between us starts to disappear as soon as link and Pitoo shout for me. "Hey Pit!" They both run toward me and hug me and I try to pry them off me. " G-get off me you idiots!!" They both goes off me and then Link an Toon link made eye contact... Oh no...

"Big bro..." "little bro..." they both said while glaring at each other. Here it comes.. "I MISSED YOU BRO!!" They say in unison as Toon link tackles Link and they become a laughing mess on the Cloud floor hugging. Ugh.... I sigh as me and Pitoo stare at them questionably While everyone else just stares at them immensely confused.

"Ughh! Guys if you're gonna do this can you please wait until we get to the-" Pitoo gets cut off by link jumping up with Toon link in his arms, and running away. "Well I guess I'll give you guys a tour of the place then...ughh..this always happens!" I yell as we're walking.

Lucas's POV
Ness's POV
Claus's POV
Villager's POV
Aryll's POV
What's up suckerss! I'm backk!! 🎉🎉😁 There is a part two of this so stay tuned for it because it's gonna be epic and it'll explain Pit's attitude towards TL soooo have fun reading that!😁😁😄 Now for old times sake...I'll see ya later losers!!!😁😁😉
Man it's sooo great to be back...

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