First stop: Flower Parade rainforest

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Ness's POV
The next morning I woke up in the bed Lucas decorated for me and tears pricked my eyes but I held them back because I didn't want to cry this early in the morning. Everyone else was preparing the the last of their things and waited for me at the door. "Dude! Hurry up so we can eat before we leave!" TL shouts from the living room.

"Ok!" I shout back. I go to the bathroom and get myself together before putting on my clothes. I wore something different since we're going on a trip and it's special. I put on a Dark blue and purple hat, a light purple and dark purple horizontal striped shirt, navy blue shorts, white socks, and dark purple shoes with light purple laces. "Alright let's hurry up so we can meet up with Claus and go." Lucas said not making eye contact with me. It hurt so bad. But I just kept my mouth shut and walked out the door. When we got there we all went to the table we were at yesterday so we could eat, meet up with Claus and help him carry some of his stuff, and then leave.

When we got outside the mansion I was walking next Villa following TL as he led us to his Ship. I felt two pair of eyes behind me staring. I looked behind me, Lucas and Claus quickly turned their heads another way with a tad blush on their cheeks. I turned back around to see a blushing Villager staring at A very confident and happy Toon link (If I use his full name that's how you know it's bad!😄)

"Hey Villa whatcha staring at?" I ask in a teasing tone. Villa blushes madly and pouts. " N-nothing! I don't know what you're talking about!" " Are you sure? Because I'm pretty sure someone's a bit happy about yesterday's events!" I say with smirk on my face. TL glances at Villa smiling with a slight blush on his face. "Come on! Just tell him already!" I sorta whisper shot so TL doesn't glance back again.

"It's...just...I don't think he'll ever be happy with me..." Villa's blush goes away and now has a sad frown. "Don't think like that of course he'll be happy with you! That's the reason he kissed you!" I say supporting my small upset friend. He smiles again and then says "I thought that was just one of my dreams!" We laughed and then arrived at the ship in awe.

"Woah TL! You actually own this?!" Villa exclaimed. TL blushes slightly scratching the back of his head. "'s nothing really." "Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Claus exclaimed. "Yeah!" We all said.

Villagers POV
As we aboard the ship I see some other people who are carrying boxes, wiping down walls, and Putting some weapons in a random room. "What's with the weapons? Is this a really d-dangerous adventure?" I say with worried tone. "It'll be fine ok? Trust me..." TL said in a soft hypnotic tone. I blush and stare deeply into his hypnotic brown eyes, giving in to his trance.

"O-ok..." I say trying to get back to reality. We walk down a few hallways til we get to our room. "Thank the Oreo gods we've finally made it to the room!" Claus says getting on his knees. I couldn't really blame him ether because that was a good hour in a half of walking while STILL carrying our luggage the whole way here.

"Claus...don't tell me you brought a whole thing of Oreos to this trip?..." Lucas said glaring. "You'll never take me alive!" "Guys can you wait until we get in the room! Cause I'm too tired!" Ness yelled as TL unlocked the door and opened it.

Wow.... this is way better than what I expected. There were two bunk beds with a window in between them, a carpet with a hyrule symbol on it, a bathroom in the left side of the bunk beds, and a fairly large closet on the bottom of the right bunk bed.

"I call top bunk!" Me and Lucas say in unison. "Wait..there are five of us and only four beds!" Claus points out. "Oh yeah! I originally was just going to have you and Lucas share a bed, since your twins I thought you wouldn't mind." TL says a bit surprised like he didn't know he was going to bring it up. "Oh! Umm I guess it's-!" "But I want to sleep by myself, plus you always kick me off the bed!" Lucas yells cutting off Claus.

Ness got already picked the bottom bunk on the left, unpacked most of His stuff, and headed towards the bathroom. The twins argue a bit more then Ness comes back out and just suggests that I share with him. "I mean, This isn't anything new we've done this like three times, plus I think he's more comfortable sleeping with someone else." Ness says smiling at TL a bit.

The room goes silent. I mean he did have a point, but I'm actually a bit more comfortable sleeping by myself. "Well I mean it makes-!" "He's sleeping with me!" I heard TL say while cutting me off. I saw Ness smirking at him and then TL blushed and look away. What was that about?

Toon link's POV
I didn't mean to say that out loud it's just that....Ness knows I like him! And a little jealous. I mean who wouldn't want sleep with this small, adorable, innocent little gumdrop, that is Villager? Like he is the nicest and sweetest person here, but sometimes he can be the scariest.. Actually Never mind he isn't innocent after all now that I think about it. He's super dirty minded when I'm not home.Before Ness came, Lucas would suffer when it's just them at the dorm.

"I-I mean I-if you want to then I wouldn't mind.." I say trying to play it off. Villa blushes, smiles, and looks at his feet. "U-uh S-sure! Why n-not!" He is so cute! I can't help it! As soon as the rest of us get our stuff unpacked. I give the signal to sail away from the dock and give everyone a tour. When the tour was finished I went to go check to see if we were at the first stop. Villa somehow found me and asked where we were.

"Well we're ALMOST at a place called: 'Flower parade rainforest' and we are almost there." I said not making eye contact, trying to focus on the map my sister,Aryll gave me.

"Hey TL..when we get there can you promise me that you'll get me the prettiest flowers there?" Villa said covering his mouth blushing madly. I look at him and pull him into a small hug and hold his hands.

"I promise...anything for you..." Our faces were centimeters apart. "T-Toonie.." I closed the gap between us and we enjoyed each sweet sensation of each other's mouth. "Mmm...~" I could hear a soft moan from him and then he broke away smiled at me and then walked away. "I'll see ya later it's a promise!" Villa said right before he left.

"We're here Flower parade rainforest..." I say going outside to look at the island. When I went to go get everyone so we could go investigate, I saw Ness, Claus, and Lucas all with blushes on their faces. WHAT HAPPENED WHILE WE WERE GONE?!

Lucas POV
Flashback: When Villa left
It was a really long silence til I finally decided to say something "So Claus how's your day?" "It was fine. What about you Ness?" "Fine." " Who wants to play a game?" Claus asks. We both agreed to play 20 questions and then we got to this question. "Who's your crush?" Ness asks me and Claus. We both blush madly as I decided to go first."W-well... I-I like N-Ness..." I stare at the floor trying not to say anything. Then I feel Claus Glare at me and burn a hole in the back of my head.

"O-oh..umm Claus?" Ness says. "Yeah yeah! I really like.....N-Ness...and that's why I'm not going to give you up to my dopey Baby brother!" Claus exclaims. "Huh?" Ness says obviously confused.  We both get closer to Ness and he starts to back away a bit in shock. "W-What are you-?!" Ness got cut off Claus kissing him on the lips, While I licked his cheek. We both back up and Ness blushes slightly but then a smirk creeps on his face.

"You two honestly think you can claim me that easily? Well you're wrong." With that he pushes us both down and licks our necks. We both groan and then Ness smirks and says. "Alright here's how it's gonna go, I'm going to choose which one of you I want to be with depending on how much affection you show me.BUT it has to be just me and you you can't do anything when people are around or I won't count. Whoever shows more affection wins." Claus and I nodded and got up and just went to our beds and lay down while Ness went into the bathroom.

End of flashback:

Well remember last time when I said 1300 something was the most I have ever typed. Well I lied!🤣🤣 I mean come on! 1596 words! My eyes are sooo tired! Anyway for Lucas's POV I kinda trailed off and got a bit confused on what I was doing so I just improvised.🙃🙃 But I'm sooo sorry if you don't like fluff or lemon I just wanted to add a bit. Let me know if you don't like it and I'll change it ok?  Bye bye!!😃😃😁

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