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Ness's POV
When I wake up I see the door close in the bedroom I was in. I notice the bed I was sleeping in had red sheets on it and was surprisingly very comfy. I got up and left the room to see all of my stuff just sitting there by the door of the room. "Wow they really made it seem like there was absolutely nowhere else to put my stuff!" I yell a bit agitated. Literally there was was a closet right next to the front door! I look in my Back pack for some of my clothes then head to the bathroom. "Wait where's my hat?" I ask my self in the middle of brushing my teeth. When I got ready I head to What probably was the living room cause there was a blonde boy wearing a green hat and tunic watching TV while glancing at me when I would look away. "Umm do I know you?" The blonde asked with a very confused look. "Well hello to you too my name is Ness what's yours?" I say bit irritated that the first thing you say to someone is 'Do I know you?' "Oh I'm sorry I'm so rude!, It's Toon link but just call me TL to save yourself the trouble!" He's very bright and seems like quite an adventurous guy, but yet polite at the same time. "So you must be our new roomie, right Ness?" "Yep!" "You hungry? Lucas and Vila already went to the cafe, they didn't want to bother you Lucas said you looked so peaceful sleeping on Villa's bed!" TL said with a bright smile. " Thanks?....anyway can you take me? I'm hungry!" I say with a slight pout. "Sure why not I'm hungry too!" TL said jumping up and leading us out the door and into the cafe. IT WAS HUGE!!(That's what she said😏😏 Ok Ok I'm sorry I'll stop😅) Every where I looked there were people! TL said that everyone has there own table depending on which game you're from and just to make sure no one is alone master hand allowed friends and family from the same game to sit with them if they wanted to. So this means that I get to see Ninten?... yes! I spot Lucas after getting my food and sit with him and a ginger boy who looks almost exactly like him.

Lucas's POV
I have a twin brother named Claus who visits me every day to make sure I'm doing fine. He always babied me and still kinda does I mean he calls me his BABY brother imagine how annoying it must be to called that every day. It's pretty annoying. Anyway I see TL and Ness spilt up to find their tables. I'm from the Mother series and so is Ness but he said it's actually pronounced Earthbound and that's why we both have an Earth as our smash symbol. I wave to Ness to tell him where to sit and suddenly my face starts to heat up. As Ness sat down and started eating I start to notice how pretty his eyes are. They're a perfect shade of purple and they fit him perfectly. Ness stares at me with an 'Are you good?' Look. I nod and just continue eating. GAHH!! Why was I thinking of him like that?! He's just my friend right? Right?! I see TL walk up behind Ness to scare him With Villa sitting in a chair watching. All of a sudden Ness bolts up swift kicks TL in the back of his leges causing him to fall and gets pinned to the floor. Everyone's Jaw dropped as TL just got beat by a a t little kid who didn't even need look behind him. "T-TL?!" Ness says surprised and sorta embarrassed "Oww.." Tl groans in pain. "I-I'm soo sorry H-Here let me help you up.." Ness said with his face flushed with embarrassment. The whole time Villa was sitting there eating popcorn while watching while a guy carrying a sword with blue hair payed him $20. Wait...DID HE MAKE A BET ON NESS?! TL walked over and I heard him say " Alright where's my $10 I helped you win your bet." HE WA IN ON IT TOO?!

Ness's POV
After Pinning down TL, Sleeping in Villa's bed, and sitting at Lucas's lunch table, I have confirmed that These Guys are going to be the best roommates ever and We're going to have the best adventures together..As a team..

Hey Guys! This has been Chapter 2 of my first ever Smash bros book!😆 Sorry about the cheesy-ness on that last part it just felt right But let me know if you like cheesy stuff like that and I'll happily provide for you.🙂 Also let me know who your favorite ship is!! Incase you didn't figure it out here are the top three I'm using! ( Nesscas, Toonievilla, and Clausten!) Well bye bye everyone!😁😁

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