Chapter 19 - Letters

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Chapter 19

Dear Mum and Dad, Hermione wrote. She and her brother were seated at one of the back tables in the library, taking advantage of the spare time on the weekend to compose a letter home. They had spent quite a bit of time in the library this week, since the bookworm of the Granger Family wanted to get a really good look at the school's massive (by the standards of the magical world) collection of books. She was disappointed to find that all the rare and valuable books were hidden away in the Restricted Section, but there were still more than enough to keep her occupied.

We're sure you've heard all over the Daily Prophet that we've both been sorted into Gryffindor, but since the Daily Prophet also says Harry was forcibly taken from his muggle relatives at age three, is a pawn in Professor Dumbledore's evil schemes of world domination, and is a Chudley Cannons fan, we thought we should confirm it for you.

Harry chuckled as he read her neat, looping letters upside-down. "Hang on, let me explain that," he said. Hermione slide the parchment across, and he added a line in his easily-distinguished blocky scribble: (It's my roommate, Ron, who's the Chudley Cannons fan.)

It turns out they sort you by having a magical hat read your personality and decide which house best suits you,Hermione continued. But maybe Cousin Andi told you that by now. It told both of us we'd do well in Ravenclaw, too, but it put us in Gryffindor because we told it we both wanted to go there.

We learnt a couple other important things that we can't tell you in a letter. Harry's going to ask Cousin Andi about more secure communications.

We like most of our classes so far, except for History and Potions.

"I didn't think Potions was so bad," Harry protested.

"Harry, you can't deny Professor Snape isn't a fair teacher, no matter what else you think about him."

"Well, no, but I thought the rest of the class was interesting."

"He barely even taught."

"Well, it was a pretty simple potion."

"Neville didn't think so." She dropped the matter and kept writing: Professor Binns is just as boring as Cousin Dora said. I think I was the only one who stayed awake the entire time. I even had to keep elbowing Harry.

"Well, it wasn't like I missed anything. We've both read A History of Magic cover to cover. Plus, Professor Binns didn't even notice."

"It's still poor form." And Professor Snape was really unfair, especially to Harry.

"Alright, give me that." Harry snatched the letter away and wrote, Professor Snape wasn't very nice, like Dora said, but I didn't think he was any worse with me than everyone else. Hermione does, though.

"Hmpf." Hermione grabbed the parchment back and added, He quizzed Harry on advanced level questions for no reason.

Harry grabbed it again. I think it might have been some kind of message, but we're not sure yet.

"I told you, if there was a message in that question, it was probably an insult or something."

"We should wait till we know for sure, Mione. Just think of it like doing research," he said with a grin.

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