Chapter 15 - The Hogwarts Express

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Platform Nine and Three Quarters was a bustle of activity on the first of September, filled with hundreds of families sending their children off to Hogwarts. Owls hooted in their cages, cats caterwauled in their carriers or just wandered between people's legs, and a chatter of voices filled the air. A giant scarlet engine stood at one end of the platform, followed by half a dozen old-fashioned-looking passenger cars. Along the back wall, a little row of vendors was selling magazines and charmed trinkets and breakfast sandwiches, mainly to the parents. Harry and his family were pleased to see that there was too much activity here for anyone to give him much notice.

By unspoken agreement, the Grangers headed for the less crowded part of the platform near the rear of the train. They were sure the whole train would fill up eventually, but it would be good to get on board and stake out a compartment early.

"This one looks good," Dan said as they came to a compartment in the last car. His children nodded noncommittally. "Alright, let's get you two loaded up. Harry, put Hedwig in first...Good, now give me a hand with the trunks." Harry lifted Hedwig's cage into the train and then crouched on the lip of the door and helped his father lift his trunk and then Hermione's aboard. Books were heavy things, after all.

He hopped down to hug his parents a final time before they set off.

Emma grabbed them both in a hug and struggled to avoid breaking down in tears, and she discreetly scratched Harry behind the ears. "Good luck up there, kids. We'll miss you. We love you both."

"We love you too!" Hermione exclaimed, being the less composed of the two. Harry whispered his agreement.

Dan was a little more restrained than his wife, though he wrapped an arm around each of their shoulders in turn. "Harry, do your best to find some real friends who aren't just fans," he said.

"I will."

"And Hermione, just because you're not at home doesn't mean you can go crazy with the sweets."


"And both of you remember what Cousin Andi said. Lay low with the wandless magic-at least till you see how people react." They nodded to him.

"Be sure to write us," Emma added. "That goes double if there's any funny business. And I'm sure the Tonkses will want to hear from you, too."

"We will, Mum," Hermione said. She and Harry climbed back on onto the train.

As they stood on the threshold, Dan recited, "This above all-to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man. Farewell. My blessing season this in thee!"

"Most humbly do I take my leave, my lord," Harry said with a laugh.

"Goodbye, Mum. Goodbye, Dad. We'll see you at Christmas," Hermione called. And they went into the train, rolling their trunks into the compartment and sliding them under their seats.

"Harry, look, I think it's the Weasleys," Hermione said as they settled in.


"There, behind you."

Harry stood and turned around, looking out the window to see a family of redheads heading toward the train. He remembered what cousin Andi had said about the Weasleys:

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