Chapter 14 - Dealing with the Press

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"Good evening, Minerva. I trust the orientation went well," Albus said as Minerva sat down heavily across the desk from him.

"As well as could be expected, I suppose, Albus," she said. "I was forced to fend off Harry Potter's admirers on several occasions. The boy is understandably uncomfortable with his fame."

"Better that than revelling in it, I should think," Albus said. "I have seen far too many go down that road. I am sure he will adjust in time. Though I wonder if perhaps it would have helped to have Hagrid escort him."

Minerva rolled her eyes. Hagrid was imposing, but he wasn't exactly one to know when to take a firm hand. "Be that as it may, there was one thing that worries me greatly."

"Oh? What is it?"

"When we purchased Harry's wand, Albus. Ollivander told us that the wand that chose him was brother to You-Know-Who's."

The Headmaster raised an eyebrow and glanced at Fawkes, who nodded and trilled softly. Of course, something like that would happen, with the prophecy and all. He knew that wand well. He had enquired with Ollivander about it personally. To his mind, though, it was the choice of wood that concerned him more than the brother core. Holly wood was volatile, impetuous, and short-tempered, traits he would have hoped to have been calmed by the boy's life with the Grangers. Yet phoenix feather did carry the calm and detachment of its giver. Together, if they could be controlled, they made a quester's wand, and a powerful one at that. That was a trait young Harry would need.

"I do not think that is too surprising," he said carefully. "For several reasons. We have already seen that Harry's fate and Voldemort's, unfortunately, are inextricably linked. That this wand chose him is only another sign of that. I see no reason for additional concern at this time; we should merely continue to keep an eye on the boy."

Minerva gave him a stern look, but she seemed to accept this for the time being.

"What of his sister's wand?" he asked curiously. "It will be interesting to see how the two of them fare together, magically."

"Ah, vine wood and dragon heartstring," she answered. "Ollivander saw the connection before she even touched it."

"How interesting..." That was more surprising that Harry's wand, Albus thought. Another uncommon and strong combination, if he remembered his wand lore correctly. Vine was known for movers and shakers, and when combined with such a strong connection and especially a dragon core indicated great talent. With Hermione Granger standing at her brother's side, they would truly be a force to be reckoned with. Albus had a feeling this was going to be an eventful seven years.


The Grangers were very surprised when Cousin Andi showed up unannounced on Monday morning and even more surprised when, when asked why she was there, she held up a newspaper with an admittedly blurry moving picture on the front page that showed the four of them walking down Diagon Alley with Professor McGonagall.

"I think you'd better read this," she said.

The Daily Prophet

Monday, 29 July 1991


By Rita Skeeter

Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived and Savior of the Wizarding World, has not been seen in public since his stunning defeat of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named nearly ten years ago. That all changed on Saturday when young Mr. Potter made his long-awaited return to wizarding Britain, venturing out into Diagon Alley to purchase his supplies for his first year at Hogwarts.

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