Chapter 45 - Luna Lovegood

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Dear Hermione and Harry,

We got a chance to meet the Creeveys this weekend. It ’s a bit of a drive from where we live, but it’s not too far out of the way.

Mr. and Mrs. Creevey were very friendly and were happy to feed us lunch. They were very grateful that Colin was able to put them in contact with people with a few years of experience with the magical world. Obviously, it was a bit of a shock to have their illusions corrected. It ’s even more clear with them than we saw at the orientation last year that Hogwarts is whitewashing the more unsavoury aspects of the magical world to the muggle-born families. Your mother thinks they might simply have a blind spot when it comes to the treatment of muggle-borns and non-human races. We have to wonder if it would be helpful to put each new muggle-born student in contact with one that’s already attending school in addition to the orientation.

Anyway, the Creeveys are taking it pretty well, and they ’re eager for more information. We think we have an idea of what you’re experiencing with Colin right now. He has a nine-year-old brother named Dennis who’s at least as much of an unstoppable force as Hermione was at that age and even more excitable. If you’re lucky, being around magic for two years will calm him down some before he starts at Hogwarts.

We’re glad to hear you’re starting off strong again. Harry, congratulations on making the Quidditch Team again, even if it was unopposed. Hermione, don’t worry; we’re sure you’ll have a good chance if you work hard at it. Good luck with Professor Lockhart. It sounds like you might need it—just be careful around him. And stay out of trouble, you two.


Mum and Dad


“Hey, guys, how was Flying Club?” Harry asked as Hermione and Ron came in from the Training Grounds.

“It was a lot of fun,” Hermione said. “It’s mostly reserve Quidditch players and people who want to try out, so we played a pick-up game.”

“I did lousy,” Ron grumbled.

“You were just inconsistent,” Hermione said. “That’s what the practice is for. Oh, and Harry, guess what. Madam Hooch said Ginny did really well in her first flying lesson. I guess she really does know how to fly.”

“Yeah, I guess,” Ron said in annoyance.

They started climbing up to Gryffindor Tower, but along the way, they spotted a small, blond girl skipping through the corridors. That might not have drawn too much attention, except that they knew this particular girl, and Harry noticed that she was skipping in her bare feet.

“Hello, Luna,” Harry called.

Luna turned and skipped over to them: “Hello Harry, Hermione, Ronald.”

“Hi,” Hermione and Ron said.

“Um, Luna…where are your shoes?” Harry asked with concern.

“They seem to have gone missing,” she said. Her voice kept the same dreamy quality as always, as if nothing were out of the ordinary. “I suspect nargles are to blame.”

“Nargles?” Harry said. “Er, are you sure?”

“Oh, there could certainly be other possibilities…but on the whole, I suspect the nargles.”

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