Part One

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The first bell sounds off, signaling that class begins in 5 minutes. Kids around me seem to stampede down the halls. As I gather my things and shut my locker, my best friend Hazel pops up out of the shadows. Literally. It's kind of her thing.She whips off her sunglasses and looks at me, laughing that she startled me again.
    "Dude," she laughs, "we've been friends since third grade. How do you still get scared?" I hate that she's right. It's been almost five years, yet I can't stop being startled.
    She stops laughing as we begin to walk down the hall. "Anyway, are you ready for mrs. dark arts in potions whirlpool?" I hate that nickname.
    "Oh shut it. We all know Mrs.Portwood loves you." Mrs.Portwood is the potions teacher in 8th grade. She's hated me since I accidentally made a small whirlpool in the middle of her classroom in the first week. Hence the nickname. The thing is, it's early Nov.
    "Hey guys!" Our friend Griffon runs up to us. "How was your birthday this weekend,  Hazel?" Crap! I almost forgot to ask.
    " Oh, it was great! I'm finally 13, so finally a teenager like you guys!" I haven't really thought about how she wasn't a teenager yet. I'm 13 as well, and Griffon is 14.     The second bell rang again just as we sat down. I sigh asMrs.Portwood does roll call.
     "Fin Castaway." She drones.
    "Here." She acts like she doesn't know if someone is here or not if they don't say it.
    "Hazel Johnson." and, "Griffon walker." I resist casting myself a little cat to walk around my desk.
    "Ok class, let's take out our brewing books and cauldrons and turn to page 167. Today we will learn how to cast a shapeshifting potion." I sit up. I've always wanted to shape shift. Some kid in the middle of the room sighs, probably Tomas, he's a shapeshifter.
"Next you will take something like the fur, hair, tooth, nail, or scale of the animal you wish to be and put it into the mix. Then take a dragon egg shell in a color of your choice, this will convey the animals color."
I finish my potion. I would love to see things from my griffin's point of view. I already am halfway done with the potion when Mrs.Portwood tells us to try it.                                                                                              

"MEEEOOOWRROOAARR!" Fin is flying around the room, looking like a blue version of his pet, Coco. In fact, almost everyone looks like their pet, but in weird colors. Griffon, looks like his ferret, Sir. Spaghetti, but a dull pink. I am one of the only kids who haven't taken it yet, so I drink my potion. I get this tingly sensation and I close my eyes.
    By the time I open my eyes, I'm on the ground, and I look like Loki! Well, if Loki was pitch black. I wonder if I could talk in this form, because no one else has spoken yet. But before I can say anything, Griffon runs towards me, pointing and yelling,
    "Look! It's a Grif-FIN!" He's laughing so hard he's shaking, but I just roll my eyes. I think I do, anyway. I spack in the face lightly with my tail. Fin must see us, because he flies down and lands next to me.
    "Sssup Fin! I'm kidding, but this is so cool right?"  he responds with,
"Totally! I don't think I want to even turn back!" I some reason feel sad by that response, but I push that aside. Mrs. Portwood is walking around the room and saying,
"The effects should wear off in about three miutes, so please return to your seat." As soon a I slither up to my desk, I see kids turning back left and right. Some didn't get to their seats on time, and they are on the ground. I turn back and look at Fin across the classroom. He sees me and gives be that "I'm a rebel" smile that makes every girl in school melt. I laugh as the bell rings, signaling the end of class, and the end of the school day. I walk out and wait for Fin and Griffon by our locker. We finish packing up and shutting our lockers when I ask,
"Hey, do you guys want to come over today?"
"Yea. What time?" asks Griffon.
"Now? At least one of you is gonna have to drive or walk though, my scooter can only take two people." I start to hope. Maybe Fin will volunteer to ride with me. Huh? I tell myself I would be happy with both my friends. Luckily, Griffon says he'll walk.
I grab a helmet and hand it to Fin. I got my Islander electric scooter as an early birthday present from my aunt. I get Fin settled on the scooter and say,
"Hold on!"

This is my first post, hope you like it so far!!! Plz comment on what I can do to improve

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