Part Two

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When we arrive at her house, I get of the deep green scooter and hand her the helmet. I look at her head, expecting helmet hair. Her pixie undercut is still styled properly. The green streak in her dark brown hair is still collected. With her leather jacket and black jeans, this is a look only my friend Hazel could pull off. But, whatever.
"Is your mom home?" I ask.
"No, she and my dad are still at work. But my aunt is here, and she's a little crazy."
"I can handle it." Hazel opens the door and we walk into the house. Almost the second the door closes, this short, plump lady runs from the shadows and hugs Hazel.
"HAZEL DARLING!" she bubbles loudly, "You're so pale! At least you have your mother's vibrant purple eyes!" I held back a laugh.
"Aunt Medea! We're gonna go hang out in the tree house, ok?"
"Ok, don't you two get carried away now!" she laughs. Hazel shoves me past her and out the back door. She looks at me, blushing more than I think I am.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine, your aunt seems nice. What's here power?"
"Just healing, nothing major. Now let's go to the tree house." We walk over to the tree house and climb up. I set my headphones on top of the rest of my stuff.
"What do you want to do first?" I ask, "Like until Griffon gets here?" she smiles, glad to get over her aunt.
"Well, we could-"
"Hi!" Griffon cuts here off, "Why did you invite us over, you only invite us on Saturdays."
"Well, I just wanted to play a game."
"What kind of game?" I ask, as I make a butterfly fly around the room.
"Oh, board games, games like truth or dare, hide and seek, bla bla and so on." Suddenly we hear a commotion outside. We look out a window to see Hunter and his friends.

Some background on hunter and his gang; They are the worst kids in the entire town. They are destructive, impulsive, and strait out evil. They harass everyone and everything. Even their powers scream, I suck. Hunter, the leader and worst of them all, is hypnotic and can control minds. He's short, has short hair, pixie like facial features, and a need to raise hell. One of his crownies Max is very similar, looks wise. He is a telepath, which can lead to all kinds of trouble. The rest of the gang is mostly mind controlled idiots with no major powers. The only kid to break free of the control was me.


I could see the fire glowing in Fin's gold eyes. Then, it's real. The butterfly lands in his short, spiky blonde hair, and set aflame. The ashes bury in the blue streaks of his hair. A shadow seems to cast over his face, making his light tan become a dark one, and his freckles seems to disappear. This lasts for a second. He looks me in the eye, put his headphones around his neck, and spoke with his smirk,
"Let's follow them."
We sneak after them into the woods in the mountain that stands tall over our town. We're not aloud to be to go on the mountain, because of the powerful deities and properties on the mountain. All this time Griffon is mumbling under his breath. Suddenly Fin stops. I stop and listen. I hear a strange chanting in a language I never heard before. It stops after a while,but then I hear whispers. I can tell they're in english, but I can't make out the words. The ground shakes, and there is a deeper, louder voice.
"You have summoned me quite early. Have you found the staff, young mortal?"
"N-n-no Icarus." I think it's Hunter speaking now, "We needed... we need to-" This Icarus guy cuts hunter off.
"Silence, puny human. There is someone listening." Me and my friends tense up. I hear a crashing sound coming towards us. I shuffle behind Fin. Out of the woods came this hooded, ten foot man. Hey lowers is hood, and reveals these wine red skin, glowing green cat- like eyes, and giant devilish horns. He starts to speak, or almost, sing.
"You foolish humans, you can't fight my music, you can't fight me." I feel myself falling into a trance "You can't fight the siren song. You will forget what you heard, what you saw. You will walk home, forget any of this has happened, and continue life as if you were never here." I could barely hear, I feel woozy, and trying to fight the trance. I hear Hunter join in, and then everything goes blurry and dark.
Next thing I know, we're in the tree house. I look around. I feel disoriented, but Griffon seems fine and immediately pipes up,
"Want to play 'Their a Ten'?"
"Sure," I say, ready to move on, "with which people, boys or girls?"
"Why not both?" Fin adds, he seems confused as well.
"Really, you never like to play that game?"
"Just have a lot on my mind."
"Ok, let's start! Um...Iris." Griffon chants.
"Five." Fin sighs. I roll my eyes.
"You rate everyone that everytime! I'd say she's a solid 8."
"That's pretty high for a girl. She's a six point five" Griffon questions. I look at Fin, because he knows why I'm rating her so high.
"Fine." I laugh, "how would you rate..." I smirk, "Me!" Fin looks away. Griffon responds immediately.
"Easy, a five. Your a six, but friends go down automatically." I shrug, that's still a pretty good score. "How would you rate her, Fin?" Fin blushes.
"Umm" he stalls and stutters, "A-a-a... eight and a half." He starts to leave, and I try to stop him, but Griffon holds me back.
"Let him go."
"NO!" that's not normal. Griffon's the first person to chase after Fin whenever something happens. There's something missing. I break free and run to Fin, who's already on the sidewalk.
"Fin, what's going on? Why did you rate me an eight? Why are we forgetting something? Why is Griffon acting strange?" I start to ramble questions that have been running through my head. Fin stops walking and turns to face me.
"I need to tell you something." he pulls out his phone to text someone, then he starts walking.
"Where are we going?"
"My house."

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